PortuguesePod101 Pronunciation Curriculum 

In this set of 5 lessons, you will learn the very basics about Brazilian Portuguese pronunciation. We break down all the sounds to make it easy for you to master Portuguese pronunciation!

Lesson Title Topic Function Summary
#1 The Portuguese Vowels Vowels Pronouncing Portuguese vowels Vowels and Their Rules at the Beginning or Middle of Words, The Vowels -A, -E, and -O and Their Pronunciation at the End of Words
#2 Portuguese Consonants: Part 1 Consonants Pronouncing Portuguese consonants Basic pronunciation of consonants (THE -C, -G, AND -QU, The -H and -CH , The -R and -RR)
#3 A Tough Portuguese Teacher Consonants Pronouncing double consonants in Portuguese Basic pronunciation of consonants (The -D and the -T, The -W And -Y, The -LH, -NH, and the -X, The -S and -SS)
#4 A Past and Present Portuguese Student Tense Pronouncing the past and present tense in Portuguese Rules and exceptions for past and present tense
#5 An Awesome Portuguese Tutor Sound Understanding basic rules of Portuguese pronunciation An Awesome Portuguese Tutor