
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Paloma: Olá! Bem-vindos ao PortuguesePod101.com! I’m Paloma.
Gina: Gina here! This is Upper Beginner Season 2 Lesson 25 - Are You Going To Rock in Rio? In this final lesson of the series, you’ll learn how to talk about likes and dislikes.
Paloma: The conversation is between a boyfriend and a girlfriend, and it takes place in the evening at home.
Gina: The speakers are dating, so they’ll be using informal Portuguese.
Paloma: Ever heard of "Rock in Rio"?
Gina: Of course! I love Rock in Rio! It’s one of the greatest cultural and musical events in Rio de Janeiro.
Paloma: That’s right! It’s basically a large musical festival where lots of bands come and play a series of shows for several days.
Gina: It’s actually pretty cool because even though it’s called "Rock in Rio" it has all kinds of music; everything from heavy metal to classic Brazilian country music, and even rhythm and blues.
Paloma: Yeah, and it’s interesting because it’s not an annual event, nor does have a fixed date or place. It was held already in Rio, Lisbon and Madrid!
Gina: I think the first rock in Rio happened in 1985 and then there was another one in 1991, and after that there was one in 2001. And after that, it became more international.
Paloma: The coolest part about Rock in Rio is that there are very few events in the world where so many musicians and artists get together at one venue, and they play practically anything the crowds ask for. It’s really spectacular.
Gina: People travel from all over the world to come and see "Rock in Rio" and, compared to other similar events, the tickets are quite cheap.
Paloma: Right, people usually spend more to get to the event then they do on admission. (laughs)
Gina: Sounds like fun!
Gina: Let’s take a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Paloma: The first phrase we’re going to look at is Eu falei para você, which is "I spoke to you" or "I told you."
Gina: This phrase is interesting because usually when Brazilians use it, they’re a little frustrated. Just like in the dialogue when the girlfriend says to her boyfriend, "I told you I wanted to watch Katy Perry."
Paloma: Eu falei para você que eu queria assistir a Katy Perry. Notice how she was a little frustrated when she said that?
Gina: So be careful not to use this unless you’re frustrated for some reason, or you may cause some confusion.
Paloma: Okay, the next phrase we’ll look at is Será que which is very difficult to translate because it’s kind of a fixed expression in Brazilian Portuguese.
Gina: Most of the time, textbooks will teach you that it’s translated as "I wonder". This can be confusing because it isn’t always used this way. Let’s take an example from the dialogue.
Paloma: Sure. The girlfriend says Será que pode trocar ainda?
Gina: We translated this as "Do you think you can still trade them?"
Paloma: She's not wondering if it’s possible, she’s actually asking his opinion and, if the dialogue continued, he would most likely respond by saying something like Eu não sei, or Deixa eu ver.
Gina: Which means "I don’t know" or "Let me see", respectively. Okay, now onto the grammar.
Gina: In this lesson, you’ll learn about likes and dislikes in Portuguese, which can sometimes be a bit frustrating.
Paloma: Usually when textbooks teach this, they only use the verb gostar de, “to like”, and then the negative form não gostar de, “to dislike”.
Gina: However, as you might imagine, there are many ways to express likes and dislikes in Portuguese, and we’re going to explore those ways.
Paloma: First let’s look at the phrase Tô ansiosa para…, which is used as a kind of introductory phrase. Literally it means "I am anxious for" or "I am excited for...".
Gina: Exactly. How would you say “Are you anxious for your trip?”
Paloma: Você está ansioso para a sua viagem? Great! The next phrase we wanted to look at is Pensei que você queria…
Gina: The literal translation for this is "I thought that you wanted…" Here, the phrase talks about a misunderstanding about likes and dislikes, or at least the possibility of misunderstanding.
Paloma: Correct. Moving onto our next phrase; Eu nem gosto de… which we translated as "I don’t even like…" This is an interesting use of the word nem, which is usually translated as "nor" but in this sense we translated it as "don’t even".
Gina: This is a very common way to use the word "nor" and you’ll see it used to mean "don’t even" in many different contexts.
Paloma: One example of this sentence would be Eu nem gosto de chocolate.
Gina: "I don’t even like chocolate."


Gina: Well, that’s all for this lesson and this series. We hope you enjoyed it and found it useful. Don’t forget to check the lesson notes, and leave us a comment on the lesson page.
Paloma: Thanks for listening, everyone.
Gina: And we’ll see you in another series. Bye!
Paloma: Até a próxima!

