
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Paloma: Olá! Bem-vindos ao PortuguesePod101.com! I’m Paloma.
Gina: And I’m Gina! This is Upper Beginner Season 2 Lesson 16 - You Can’t Wear That to a Brazilian Job Interview!.
Paloma: In this lesson you’ll learn how to use the -ado and -ido endings appropriately.
Gina: The conversation is between a mother and her daughter, and it takes place at home before a job interview.
Paloma: The speakers are family, so they’ll be using informal Portuguese.
Gina: In Brazil, very few things are more important than fashion. Especially in major cities like São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. What you wear or don’t wear says as much about you as what you do, or where you work.
Paloma: But, in Brazil it isn’t always as superficial as it might seem. Based on what someone is wearing, we can often determine many things about their personality, their type of work…
Gina: ...income level…
Paloma: ….education level…
Gina: ...IQ, blood type…
Paloma: ...what? (laughs), come on. No, but maybe likes and dislikes. Anyway, it’s generally not common for Brazilians to judge you based on what you’re wearing..
Gina: Hmm, I suppose in every society there is a level of judgement based on people’s appearance, including fashion sense. But I’m sure Brazilians don’t judge your character as good or bad based on your clothes.
Paloma: Right, and a lot has to do with what you do or what you say. But as you said, fashion is important, and this plus other cultural factors puts a lot of pressure on people to obey the trends of fashion.
Gina: Brazil has a famous soap opera that’s on every night. And it’s common to see regular people wearing the same clothes as the actors from that soap opera, sometimes the next day after airing!
Paloma: (laughs), that’s right. And this isn’t because they like it, or because they need it, but just because it’s in style.
Gina: This is especially true with women and girls. And the trends can change quickly, from a tube top and short shorts one week, to a floor-sweeping dress the next.
Paloma: And this doesn’t just apply to clothing. Hairstyle, nail polish, and makeup are all likely to change.
Gina: Sounds like a weekly fashion show on the streets of Brazil!
Gina: Let’s take a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. What’s the first phase we’re going to look at, Paloma?
Paloma: It’s na moda. It literally translates as “in style” or “in fashion”, and it’s a very common and very useful phrase.
Gina: You’ll hear both teenagers and adults using it in a variety of different situations.
Paloma: That’s right! It can be used while talking about clothing and hairstyles...
Gina: ...but also things like building or architectural styles and advertisements; basically, anything that would need to be designed.
Paloma: This phase can also be used sarcastically and it often is. When seeing old fashion styles on TV for example, Brazilians might say something like Olha a calça dele! Tá na moda, né!
Gina: “Look at his pants! Those are in style aren’t they!” Ok, what’s next?
Paloma: The next phrase we’re going to look at is entrevista de trabalho.
Gina: “job interview”.
Paloma: One thing you should know is that you can say either entrevista de trabalho or entrevista de emprego. Both ways are correct and in use.
Gina: Right, “job interview” or “employment interview”. That’s interesting. Okay, now onto the grammar.
Paloma: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use the “-ado,” “-ido” endings appropriately.
Gina: This is fairly easy to do.
Paloma: To create verbs that end in "–ado" you take an “AR” verb in its infinitive form and then you drop the “R” and add “do”.
Gina: Right, let’s hear an example.
Paloma: Ok! The verb sentar, “to sit”, becomes sentado, “sit”. And you do the same thing with the verbs that end in “ER” and “IR”...
Gina: ...except that this time you add “-ido” and “-do”, respectively.
Paloma: So, for example, if you take the verb beber, “to drink”, drop the “ER” and add “ido”. It’ll be bebido, “drank”. But if you were to take the verb partir, “to leave”, you only need to drop the “R” and add “do”. So it’d be partido, “left”.
Gina: So the question is, now that we know what to do, we need to know when to do it.
Paloma: It’s often referred to as the past participle.
Gina: One of the most difficult aspects of the past participle is that there are many irregular forms.
Paloma: For example the word abrir, “to open”, has an irregular past participle which is aberto, “opened”. We also have the verb entregar, “to deliver”, whose irregular past participle is entregue, “delivered”.
Gina: English speakers often have a lot of difficulty with the past participle, because in English the past participle and the standard past tense often look the same.
Paloma: That’s right! For example, ele falou translates as ”he spoke”.
Gina: This is the simple past tense in both English and Portuguese. To change this into a sentence that uses the past participle we could say...
Paloma: Ele tinha falado.
Gina: “He had spoken.”
Paloma: In English, “spoke” is the past tense and “spoken” is the past participle.
Gina: The interesting part about Portuguese is that this past participle is frequently used as an adjective to describe people and things.
Paloma: So, like in the dialogue, the mother said Se você vestir algo mais apropriado.
Gina: “if you wear something more appropriate”.
Paloma: Here, Portuguese uses the word apropriado, a past participle which is also an adjective.
Gina: So, our tip for this lesson is that when the past participle can be used as an adjective, it can be either masculine or feminine.
Paloma: In the dialogue we heard the word vestida which means “dressed”.
Gina: This was in the feminine form because it was describing the daughter.
Paloma: In that same pattern, the mother uses the word apropriado which means “appropriate” because she used the word algo or “something” which is a masculine word.


Gina: And that brings us to the end of this lesson. Thanks for listening, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Paloma: Até mais!

