Lesson Transcript

Hi, everybody!
Do you know how to say “Bye” in Portuguese? In this lesson, you'll learn three parting expressions in Portuguese.
Let’s start with the easiest one.
[slowly] Tchau.
This means "Bye" in Portuguese.
When talking to strangers or friends, you can simply use this expression. You'll also hear tchau-tchau, which is less formal and is the equivalent of "bye-bye."
If you want to be more formal, there's a different phrase you should use.
[slowly] Adeus.
This means "Goodbye" in Portuguese.
If you want to say "goodbye" in a more formal way than tchau, you can say adeus. However, this is more often used by older people.
If you know that you are going to meet the person again, here's a phrase for you.
Até a próxima.
[slowly] Até a próxima.
This means "Until we meet again" in Portuguese.
Até means "until," a means "the," and próxima means "next." Literally, it means "until the next," but you can translate it as "until next time" or "until we meet again."
Let's wrap up this lesson by recapping what you've learned. Listen to the words and repeat after me.
* beep
* beep
"Until we meet again."
Até a próxima.
* beep
Até a próxima.
Well done! [pause] Here's a fun fact!
In Portuguese, people tend to look at each other when they say "goodbye." Saying bye to someone without looking at them is often considered rude, so it is important to look at the person you are saying goodbye to.
You just learned how to say “Bye” in three different ways in Portuguese.
And don't forget, you can learn Portuguese twice as fast with your Free PDF lessons. Just click on the link in the description to download them!
See you soon! Tchau.

