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Hi, everyone! I'm Paloma.
Oi gente, aqui é a Paloma.
Welcome to another Portuguese Whiteboard Lesson!
In this lesson, you'll learn basic vocabulary for talking about the weather, and in particular, the words we use to indicate common weather conditions.
Let's get started!
Okay. The first word is…
nevar (enunciated)
nevar “to snow”
chover (enunciated)
chover “to rain”
fazer sol
fazer sol (enunciated)
fazer sol “be sunny”
fazer frio
fazer frio (enunciated)
Fazer frio means “be cold.”
And the opposite is…
fazer calor
fazer calor (enunciated)
Fazer calor means “be hot.”
We also have…
estar nublado
estar nublado (enunciated)
Estar nublado means “be cloudy.”
esquentar (enunciated)
Esquentar means “be warm.”
Esquentar or “to become warm.”
chover bastante
chover bastante (enunciated)
Chover bastante means “rain a lot.”
Bastante means “a lot.”
ventar (enunciated)
Ventar means “be windy.”
It’s a verb in Portuguese.
And we also have…
ventar bastante
ventar bastante (enunciated)
ventar bastante
Bastante means “a lot” so be “be very windy.”
Okay, now let’s see the dialogue.
Como vai estar o tempo hoje?
“How will the weather be today?”
Vai fazer sol de manhã.
“It will be sunny in the morning.”
E vai chover à tarde.
“And it will rain in the afternoon.”
So you can see the pattern that is…
Vai means “it will.” In this case, we omit the “it” in this sentence, so we only say vai which is the verb.
And then we have another expression which is…
E vai which means “and it will.”
Okay, now, let’s see some vocabulary for time expressions as well
hoje (enunciated)
hoje “today”
amanhã (enunciated)
amanhã “tomorrow”
de madrugada
de madrugada (enunciated)
de madrugada “at dawn”
de manhã
de manhã (enunciated)
de manhã “in the morning”
You can see this is very similar so make sure it’s not mistaken.
Amanhã is “tomorrow” and de manhã “in the morning.”
à tarde
à tarde (enunciated)
À tarde means “in the afternoon.”
durante o dia
durante o dia (enunciated)
durante o dia “during the day”
And the last one is…
o dia inteiro
o dia inteiro
O dia inteiro means “all day.”
Inteiro means “whole” so the o dia “day” “whole,” “all day” in English.
Okay. Now, let’s see the dialogue.
Como vai estar o tempo hoje?
Vai fazer sol de manhã. E vai chover à tarde.
We use the crase, this little accent here, but we say it the same way, /a/.
There is no change in the pronunciation.
Como vai estar o tempo hoje?
“How will the weather be today?”
Vai fazer sol de manhã. “It will be sunny in the morning.
E vai chover à tarde. “And it will rain in the afternoon.”
So you can see the pattern is…
Vai “It will,” then we have the [WEATHER EXPRESSION] and [TIME EXPRESSION].
You can see here that we only have vai.
Vai is a conjugated form of the verb ir which means “to go” and is the future form.
We don’t need to say “it” because it’s already implied in a sentence.
Vai “It will”
E vai
E means “and.”
“And it will”
Okay, so the pattern is, again…
Let’s see some more examples, okay?
Vai fazer sol o dia inteiro. “It will be sunny all day.”
E vai fazer frio amanhã. “And it will be cold tomorrow.”
Vai chover de madrugada. “It will rain at dawn.”
E vai fazer calor durante o dia.
E vai fazer calor durante o dia. “And it will be hot during the day.”
Okay, so since we’re talking about the weather, let’s talk a bit about the weather in Brazil.
It is actually very humid compared to other countries such as the US, for example. The driest season is winter, which is from June to September.
Remember that Brazil is in the Southern Hemisphere, so the seasons are actually the opposite, so summer is in December and winter is in July.

