
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Braden: Hello, and welcome to PortuguesePOD101.com, where we study modern Portuguese in a fun, educational format!
Camila: So, brush up on the Portuguese that you started learning long ago, or start learning today.
Braden: Thanks for being here with us for this lesson, Camila, what are we looking at in this lesson?
Thássia: So Braden, please tell us what we will be learning in this lesson.
Braden: In this lesson, we'll be learning how to conjugate regular -ir verbs to the preterit tense
Thássia: Where does this conversation take place and who is it between?
Braden: This conversation takes place later in the morning and it's between Ana and the receptionist at the travel agency.
Thássia: What's the formality level?
Braden: Well, they are in a formal situation so they will be speaking formally.
Thássia: Let's listen to the conversation.
Atendente: Olá! Boa tarde, dona Ana!
Ana: Boa tarde!
Atendente: Em que posso ajudá-la?
Ana: Eu acredito que esqueci minhas passagens aqui ontem.
Atendente: Aguarde só um momento, por favor que eu vou conferir...
(ruidos de computador, tipo teclado e papéis)
Atendente: Dona Ana. A senhora não perdeu seu bilhete. Eu não imprimi seu bilhete porque a senhora preferiu que eu enviasse por e-mail.
Ana: (lembrando) Ahhhh claro! Eu esqueci completamente.
Atendente: Lembra que a senhora conferiu o recebimento do e-mail com a confirmação dos números dos voos aqui na loja?
Ana: Claro, eu lembro. Eu desisti de imprimir porque eu estava atrasada para um almoço. Mas você pode imprimir agora, por favor?
Atendente: Posso sim, só um momento.
(Telefone toca)
Ana: Alô? Oi Gabriel! Deu, deu tudo certo sim!
(Ana sai da loja)
Atendente: Dona Ana! Dona Ana! Ela saiu sem o bilhete de novo.
English Host: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
Atendente: Olá! Boa tarde, dona Ana!
Ana: Boa tarde!
Atendente: Em que posso ajudá-la?
Ana: Eu acredito que esqueci minhas passagens aqui ontem.
Atendente: Aguarde só um momento, por favor que eu vou conferir...
(ruidos de computador, tipo teclado e papéis)
Atendente: Dona Ana. A senhora não perdeu seu bilhete. Eu não imprimi seu bilhete porque a senhora preferiu que eu enviasse por e-mail.
Ana: (lembrando) Ahhhh claro! Eu esqueci completamente.
Atendente: Lembra que a senhora conferiu o recebimento do e-mail com a confirmação dos números dos voos aqui na loja?
Ana: Claro, eu lembro. Eu desisti de imprimir porque eu estava atrasada para um almoço. Mas você pode imprimir agora, por favor?
Atendente: Posso sim, só um momento.
(Telefone toca)
Ana: Alô? Oi Gabriel! Deu, deu tudo certo sim!
(Ana sai da loja)
Atendente: Dona Ana! Dona Ana! Ela saiu sem o bilhete de novo.
English Host: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
Atendente: Olá! Boa tarde, dona Ana!
Braden: Hello. Good afternoon, Mrs. Ana!
Ana: Boa tarde!
Braden: Good afternoon!
Atendente: Em que posso ajudá-la?
Braden: What can I help you with?
Ana: Eu acredito que esqueci minhas passagens aqui ontem.
Braden: I believe I forgot my tickets here yesterday.
Atendente: Aguarde só um momento, por favor que eu vou conferir...
Braden: Wait just one moment please, I'll check...
(ruidos de computador, tipo teclado e papéis)
Braden(computer noises, paper rustling, maybe a chair moving)
Atendente: Dona Ana. A senhora não perdeu seu bilhete. Eu não imprimi seu bilhete porque a senhora preferiu que eu enviasse por e-mail.
Braden: Mrs. Ana. You didn't lose your ticket. I didn't print your ticket because you preferred that I send it to you by email.
Ana: (lembrando) Ahhhh claro! Eu esqueci completamente.
Braden: (remembering) Oh, that's right! I forgot that completely.
Atendente: Lembra que a senhora conferiu o recebimento do e-mail com a confirmação dos números dos voos aqui na loja?
Braden: Remember that you checked that you had received the email using the confirmation numbers for the flights here in the store?
Ana: Claro, eu lembro. Eu desisti de imprimir porque eu estava atrasada para um almoço. Mas você pode imprimir agora, por favor?
Braden: Of course, I remember. I didn't print them because I was late for a lunch. But can you print them now, please?
Atendente: Posso sim, só um momento.
Braden: Yes I can, just a moment.
(Telefone toca)
Braden(Cell phone rings)
Ana: Alô? Oi Gabriel! Deu, deu tudo certo sim!
Braden: Hello? Hi Gabriel! Yes, yes, it's all worked out!
(Ana sai da loja)
Braden(Ana leaves the store)
Atendente: Dona Ana! Dona Ana! Ela saiu sem o bilhete de novo.
Braden: Mrs. Ana! Mrs. Ana!...She left without the tickets again.
Peter always does a little review about the previous lessons. explain what you are thinking about the storyline in the lesson, so the students can follow and participate - don't make them guess.
Braden: So, yeah, this anna character is quite forgetful.
Thássia: Yeah, I know lots of people like that. Especially when the travel.
Braden: Most Brazilians go to Europe when they travel outside of Brazil, don’t they?
Thássia: Yes, there are several treaties between the EU and Brazil that allow Brazilians to go to many parts of the EU without a visa.
Braden: And Brazilians almost universally use travel agencies when they travel?
Thássia: Yes, some do this because they have lots of money and don’t care how much things cost (it’s surprising how many people in Brazil are like that).
Braden: But most Brazilians aren’t rich, yet they still use travel agencies. Why don’t they use travel sites similar to Expedia or Travelocity?
Thássia: Many Brazilians are still cautious about the Internet, they don’t trust it. Also, this kind of mobility is still new in Brazil. It’s rare for Brazilians to know much about their destination, or have any family connections at their destination to help.
Braden: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
: The first word we shall see is:
Camila: voo [natural native speed]
Braden: flight
Camila: voo [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Camila: voo [natural native speed]
: Next:
Camila: enviar [natural native speed]
Braden: to send
Camila: enviar [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Camila: enviar [natural native speed]
: Next:
Camila: desistir [natural native speed]
Braden: to give up, to quit, to desist
Camila: desistir [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Camila: desistir [natural native speed]
: Next:
Camila: imprimir [natural native speed]
Braden: to print
Camila: imprimir [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Camila: imprimir [natural native speed]
: Next:
Camila: confirmação [natural native speed]
Braden: confirmation
Camila: confirmação [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Camila: confirmação [natural native speed]
: Next:
Camila: preferir [natural native speed]
Braden: to prefer
Camila: preferir [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Camila: preferir [natural native speed]
: Next:
Camila: mandar [natural native speed]
Braden: to command, to order, to send
Camila: mandar [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Camila: mandar [natural native speed]
: Next:
Camila: aguardar [natural native speed]
Braden: to wait, to expect
Camila: aguardar [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Camila: aguardar [natural native speed]
: Next:
Camila: dividir [natural native speed]
Braden: to divide, to share
Camila: dividir [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Camila: dividir [natural native speed]
Braden: Let's have a closer look at the usuage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Thássia: In this lesson we’ll look at the verb aguardar. Aguardar is one of the verbs that means “to wait” in Portuguese as well as esperar.
Braden: Both esperar and aguardar mean “to wait” but aguardar is a bit more formal and elegant.
Thássia: Next we’ll look at the difference between the verbs enviar and mandar. In the dialogue, the attendant said a senhora preferiu que eu enviasse por e-mail which we translated as “you preferred that I send it to you by email.”
Braden: In this case, both verbs enviar and mandar could be used to mean “to send.” Enviar almost always will mean “to send” but mandar tends to vary in meaning according to context. For example in the sentence eu mandei fazer um bolo de chocolate na padaria, mandar means “to order.” – “I ordered a chocolate cake in the bakery”
Thássia: The next phrase we’ll look at is Em que posso ajudá-la.
Braden: The literal translation of Em que posso ajudá-la, is “in what can I help you” isn’t the normal way we’d say it in English but in Portuguese, it is.
Thássia: Em que posso ajudá-la? is a polite phrase used almost identically to “How can I help you?” It’s an offer help to somebody and normal to hear in similar client situations.
Braden: Just remember to use em que posso ajudá-la when talking to a woman and em que posso ajudá-lo when talking to a man.
Thássia: Right.

Lesson focus

Braden: So our focus for this lesson is?
Thássia: The focus of this lesson is the preterit tense of -ir verbs. In the dialogue we heard the phrase “Eu não imprimi seu bilhete.”
Braden: Which we translated as "I didn’t print your ticket.” This is an example of the preterit tense of regular -ir verbs
Thássia: To form the preterit of regular -ir verbs, drop the final -ir and add the appropriate ending.
Braden: So let’s go through these conjugations and use the -ir verb dormir as our example. How do I say I slept in Portuguese?
Thássia: eu dormi
Braden: and you slept
Thássia: você dormiu
Braden: and he/she/it slept
Thássia: ele or ela dormiu
Braden: and we slept
Thássia: nós dormimos
Braden: and y’all slept
Thássia: vocês dormiram
Braden: and they slept
Thássia: Eles or elas dormiram.
Braden: Awesome. let’s hear those in context.
Thássia: Sure. In the dialogue, we heard the phrase Eu desisti de imprimir.
Braden: This literally translates to "I desisted from printing.” but it means “I didn’t print it.”
Thássia: Also in the dialogue was the phrase. A senhora preferiu que eu enviasse por e-mail. – "You ma’am preferred that I send them to you by email.”
Braden: Some other -ir verbs are dormir and assistir. How about some sample sentencs with those.
Thássia: Well, Ele dormiu a noite inteira. means “He slept the whole night.”
Braden: And Elas abriram a porta e saíram. means “They opened the door and left.” See you can have two verbs in the same sentence. Notice how the word order is identical to the English.
Thássia: And last we have Você dividiu seu bolo com ele? which means “You shared your cake with him?” or “Did you share your cake with him?”
Braden: In the last three lessons we have covered the preterit tense for all the major verb conjugations. So, in the PDF lesson notes we created a simple chart of sentences that goes over the preterit for the -ar, -er, and the -ir.

