
Vocabulary (Review)

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Braden: Hello, and welcome back to the PortuguesePOD101.com , the fastest, easiest and most fun way to learn Portuguese! I'm joined in the studio by...
Sílvia: Hello everyone. Sílvia here.
Thássia: So Braden, please tell us what we will be learning in this lesson.
Braden: In this lesson, we'll be learning how to make regular participles for all verbs.
Thássia: Where does this conversation take place and who is it between?
Braden: This conversation takes place on TV during an info mercial
Thássia: What's the formality level?
Braden: Well, it's for salesmen. I don't know if that is formal or informal but it's very typical of a commerical in Brazil.
Thássia: Let's listen to the conversation.
Anuncio de programa na TV tipo Polyshop
(musiquinha de comercial)
Anuncio de programa na TV tipo Polyshop
(musiquinha de comercial)
Anunciante1: Você não aguenta desperdiçar tempo e dinheiro, gastando litros e litros d'água para realizar as tarefas do dia-a-dia?
Anunciante2: Então conheça agora mesmo o novo e revolucionário "Jato casa-limpator"
Anunciante1: Com o novo "Jato casa limpator" você pode direcionar e controlar o jato d'água para remover até as sujeiras mais difíceis.
Anunciante2: E não é só isso! Com o único e exclusivo extensor instalado no "Jato casa limpator" você pode alcançar janelas e telhados com mais facilidade. Ligue agora para 0800 123 123 e peça já o seu "Jato casa-limpator"
Anunciante1: É isso ai! Quem ligar agora receberá 30% de desconto e frete grátis, mas é só para os cem primeiros. Ligue agora 0800 123 123 e peça já o seu!
Anunciante2: Quer economizar água, tempo e dinheiro? Então ligue agora para 0800 123 123!
English Host: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
Anunciante1: Você não aguenta desperdiçar tempo e dinheiro, gastando litros e litros d'água para realizar as tarefas do dia-a-dia?
Anunciante2: Então conheça agora mesmo o novo e revolucionário "Jato casa-limpator"
Anunciante1: Com o novo "Jato casa limpator" você pode direcionar e controlar o jato d'água para remover até as sujeiras mais difíceis.
Anunciante2: E não é só isso! Com o único e exclusivo extensor instalado no "Jato casa limpator" você pode alcançar janelas e telhados com mais facilidade. Ligue agora para 0800 123 123 e peça já o seu "Jato casa-limpator"
Anunciante1: É isso ai! Quem ligar agora receberá 30% de desconto e frete grátis, mas é só para os cem primeiros. Ligue agora 0800 123 123 e peça já o seu!
Anunciante2: Quer economizar água, tempo e dinheiro? Então ligue agora para 0800 123 123!
English Host: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
Anuncio de programa na TV tipo Polyshop
BradenPolyshop-type TV Announcement
(musiquinha de comercial)
Braden(music for a commercial)
Anunciante1: Você não aguenta desperdiçar tempo e dinheiro, gastando litros e litros d'água para realizar as tarefas do dia-a-dia?
Braden: You can't stand losing time and money? Wasting liters and liters of water to perform your everyday tasks?
Anunciante2: Então conheça agora mesmo o novo e revolucionário "Jato casa-limpator"
Braden: Then right now meet the new and revolutionary "House cleaning jet."
Anunciante1: Com o novo "Jato casa limpator" você pode direcionar e controlar o jato d'água para remover até as sujeiras mais difíceis.
Braden: With the new "House cleaning jet" you can direct and control the jet of water to remove even the most difficult messes.
Anunciante2: E não é só isso! Com o único e exclusivo extensor instalado no "Jato casa limpator" você pode alcançar janelas e telhados com mais facilidade. Ligue agora para 0800 123 123 e peça já o seu "Jato casa-limpator"
Braden: And it's not just that! With the only and exclusive extension you can reach windows and roofs with more ease. Call 0800 123 123 now and immediately request your "house cleaning jet."
Anunciante1: É isso ai! Quem ligar agora receberá 30% de desconto e frete grátis, mas é só para os cem primeiros. Ligue agora 0800 123 123 e peça já o seu!
Braden: That's exactly right! Whoever calls now will receive a thirty percent discount and free shipping. But this is only for the first one hundred callers. Call 0800 123 123 now and request yours immediately.
Anunciante2: Quer economizar água, tempo e dinheiro? Então ligue agora para 0800 123 123!
Braden: Want to save water, time, and money? Then call 0800 123 123 now!
Braden: Something I’ve noticed is that Brazilian TV commercials tend to be very flashy.
Thássia: It is pobably a reflection of the many strengths Brazilian culture has and one of those is that it is vibrantly colorful. Yellows, blues, greens, pinks, oranges are all normal colors to find on shirts, pants, and even houses. This also translates to the TV.
Braden: Programs are usually full of many colors most of which are natural tropical colors. The Sítio do pica-pau amarelo, for example, is set in the forest and has tropical flowers, fruits and animals of many colors.
Thassia: That’s a very good example.
Braden: Many of the commercials or even programs on Brazilian TV would be considered tasteless and probably irritating in the USA are normal ways to attract attention here.
Thassia: yeah, but sometimes even Brazilian people, used to all that color, consider them irritating. (manter o tom de aceitacao)
Braden: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
: The first word we shall see is:
Sílvia: desperdiçar [natural native speed]
Braden: to waste
Sílvia: desperdiçar [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Sílvia: desperdiçar [natural native speed]
: Next:
Sílvia: janela [natural native speed]
Braden: window
Sílvia: janela [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Sílvia: janela [natural native speed]
: Next:
Sílvia: litro [natural native speed]
Braden: liter, litre
Sílvia: litro [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Sílvia: litro [natural native speed]
: Next:
Sílvia: d'água [natural native speed]
Braden: of the water
Sílvia: d'água [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Sílvia: d'água [natural native speed]
: Next:
Sílvia: tarefa [natural native speed]
Braden: task, assignment, duty
Sílvia: tarefa [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Sílvia: tarefa [natural native speed]
: Next:
Sílvia: revolucionário [natural native speed]
Braden: revolutionary
Sílvia: revolucionário [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Sílvia: revolucionário [natural native speed]
: Next:
Sílvia: sujeira [natural native speed]
Braden: dirt, filth, mess
Sílvia: sujeira [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Sílvia: sujeira [natural native speed]
: Next:
Sílvia: remover [natural native speed]
Braden: to remove, to eliminate
Sílvia: remover [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Sílvia: remover [natural native speed]
: Next:
Sílvia: alcançar [natural native speed]
Braden: to reach, to achieve
Sílvia: alcançar [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Sílvia: alcançar [natural native speed]
: Next:
Sílvia: atividade [natural native speed]
Braden: activity
Sílvia: atividade [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Sílvia: atividade [natural native speed]
: Next:
Sílvia: telha [natural native speed]
Braden: roof tile
Sílvia: telha [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Sílvia: telha [natural native speed]
: Next:
Sílvia: telhado [natural native speed]
Braden: roof
Sílvia: telhado [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Sílvia: telhado [natural native speed]
Braden: Let's have a closer look at the usuage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Thássia: The first word we’ll look at is Jato casa-limpator. Jato casa-limpator doesn’t really mean anything. It was just a word used as a spoof for “pressure washers.”
Braden: that’s funny. next we’ll look at “É isso aí” É isso aí literally translates to “is that there” but it is used similar to “that’s it.” É isso aí is usually used show approval or agreement.
Thássia: Next we have “frete grátis” Frete grátis means “free shipping.” Frete grátis is an expression you’ll hear very often in advertisements specially on afternoon TV show like the one we had for this lesson and on Internet sites.
Braden: Next we’ll look at the words telhado and telha. Telhado is the Portuguese word for “roof” and telha is the Portuguese word for “roof tile.”
Thássia: Roof tiles in Brazil are very different from “shingles” used most commonly in the U.S. Telhas are typically made from earthenware and are long, thick, heavy, brick-like, curved panels placed in a interlocking pattern.
Braden: The words telha and telhado are very closely related. Technically, a telhado would be any grouping of telhas but since telhas are used almost exclusively for roofs, the word for roof in Portuguese became telhado.
Thássia: Next we have extensor vs extensão. In the dialogue the word extensor was used to mean “a piece of equipment to reach further distances” in the sentence Com o único e exclusivo extensor você pode alcançar janelas e telhados com mais facilidade which we translated as “With the only and exclusive extension you can reach windows and roofs with more ease.”
Braden: Extensão works and means the same as “extension” and even has the extended meaning of "extension cord." Extensor, on the other hand, specifically means “something that extends.” As the cabo extensor USB, which in English is “USB extensor cable”
Thássia: last we have the word “sujeiras” Sujeiras doesn’t have an exact translation, but it is the Portuguese word used to mean “dirt,” “filth” or “messes.” In the dialogue we heard the speakers saying Com novo ''Jato casa limpator'' você pode direcionar e controlar o jato d'água para remover até as sujeiras mais difíceis which we translates as “With the new ''House cleaning jet” you can direct and control the jet of water to remove even the most difficult messes.”

Lesson focus

Braden: The focus of this lesson is participles -ar, -ir, -er
Thássia: In the dialogue, we heard the phrase Com o único e exclusivo extensor instalado no “Jato casa limpator”
Braden: Which we translated as "With the only and exclusive extension installed in the “House cleaning jet.” The word instalado is an example of a part participle.
Thássia: The past participle is used to express the action of a verb as being completed (spoken, eaten, seen, done, etc.).
Braden: It is formed in Portuguese by adding -ado to the stems of regular -ar verbs, and -ido to the stems of regular -er and -ir verbs.
Thássia: so a verb like falar would become falado
Braden: comer would become comido
Thássia: and cumprir would become cumprido.
Braden: Past participles are used in conjunction with verbs. Often, those verbs are in the 3rd
person. For example, Este copo foi produzido na China. – “This cup was produced in China.”
Thássia: A mulher não foi ajudada por seu irmão. – “The woman was not helped by your
Braden: and Estas caixas não foram vendidos. – “These boxes were not sold.”
Thássia: Some other examples of past participles are comprado, recebido, and permitido.
Braden: Both in English and in Portuguese, there are quite a few verbs that have irregular past participles.
Thássia: Many verbs in Portuguese have both a regluar and an irregular past participle. A general rule to follow is to use the regular past participle with the verbs ter and haver and the irregular past participle with ser and estar.
Braden: For example, the sentence, Tenho entregados as encomendas. – “I have been delivering the orders.” you use the regular participle form of the verb entregar because of the verb ter.
Thássia: But in the sentence A encomenda está entregue. – “The order is delivered.” the irregular form is used because of the verb estar.
Braden: Some other irregular and regular past participles are, aceito and aceitado
Thássia: solto and soltado
Braden: salvo and salvado
Thássia: gasto and gastado
Braden: morto and matado
Thássia: impresso and imprimido
Braden: eleito and elegido
Thássia: and preso and prendido.
Braden: There are quite a few more and we’ll include them in the PDF so be sure to check that
Thássia: thanks for listening!

