
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Braden: Hello, and welcome to PortuguesePOD101.com, where we study modern Portuguese in a fun, educational format!
Sílvia: So, brush up on the Portuguese that you started learning long ago, or start learning today.
Braden: Thanks for being here with us for this lesson, Sílvia, what are we looking at in this lesson?
Camila: So Braden, please tell us what we'll be learning in this lesson.
Braden: In this lesson, we'll be learning Learning about products
Camila: Where does this conversation take place and who is it between?
Braden: This conversation takes place in the afternoon, at the store, Marlon and vendedor
Camila: What's the formality level?
Braden: Well, it's formal.
Camila: Let's listen to the conversation.
Vendedor: Boa tarde.
Senhor: Boa tarde.
Vendedor: Posso ajudar o senhor?
Senhor: Sim. Estou procurando uma lavadora de roupa.
Vendedor: De quantos quilos?
Senhor: Não sei. Minha esposa queria que fosse bem grande. Oh, e também queria que seca a roupa.
Vendedor: Ah, então o senhor quer um lava-seca?
Senhor: Sim, Eletrolux tem um que parece muito bom.
Vendedor: E é mesmo. Temos um aqui na loja se quiser ver.
Senhor: Quero sim.
Senhor: É de quantos quilos?
Vendedor: Dez quilos e meio.
Senhor: Parece pequeno. Ela me disse que não queria pequeno.
Vendedor: Dez quilos e meio é o maior que tem desses lava-seca.
Senhor: Hmmmm....
Vendedor: Também temos da LG e de Samsung. São os melhores três do mercado.
Senhor: E quanto custa?
Vendedor: Esse aí tá de R$ 3499. É um preço muito bom.
Senhor: Eita, chega me dar cala-frios. Pode fazer um preço melhor?
Vendedor: Deixa-me ver.
English Host: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
Vendedor: Boa tarde.
Senhor: Boa tarde.
Vendedor: Posso ajudar o senhor?
Senhor: Sim. Estou procurando uma lavadora de roupa.
Vendedor: De quantos quilos?
Senhor: Não sei. Minha esposa queria que fosse bem grande. Oh, e também queria que seca a roupa.
Vendedor: Ah, então o senhor quer um lava-seca?
Senhor: Sim, Eletrolux tem um que parece muito bom.
Vendedor: E é mesmo. Temos um aqui na loja se quiser ver.
Senhor: Quero sim.
Senhor: É de quantos quilos?
Vendedor: Dez quilos e meio.
Senhor: Parece pequeno. Ela me disse que não queria pequeno.
Vendedor: Dez quilos e meio é o maior que tem desses lava-seca.
Senhor: Hmmmm....
Vendedor: Também temos da LG e de Samsung. São os melhores três do mercado.
Senhor: E quanto custa?
Vendedor: Esse aí tá de R$ 3499. É um preço muito bom.
Senhor: Eita, chega me dar cala-frios. Pode fazer um preço melhor?
Vendedor: Deixa-me ver.
English Host: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
Vendedor: Boa tarde.
Braden: Good afternoon.
Senhor: Boa tarde.
Braden: Good afternoon.
Vendedor: Posso ajudar o senhor?
Braden: May I help you sir?
Senhor: Sim. Estou procurando uma lavadora de roupa.
Braden: Yes. I am looking for a washing machine.
Vendedor: De quantos quilos?
Braden: How many kilos?
Senhor: Não sei. Minha esposa queria que fosse bem grande. Oh, e também queria que seca a roupa.
Braden: Not sure. My wife wanted a very large one. Oh, and she wanted it to dry the clothes as well.
Vendedor: Ah, então o senhor quer um lava-seca?
Braden: Ah, so you want a washer/dryer combo?
Senhor: Sim, Eletrolux tem um que parece muito bom.
Braden: Yes, Eletrolux has one that looks very nice.
Vendedor: E é mesmo. Temos um aqui na loja se quiser ver.
Braden: And it is. We have one here at the store if you'd like to take a look.
Senhor: Quero sim.
Braden: Yes, I do.
Senhor: É de quantos quilos?
Braden: It's how many kilos?
Vendedor: Dez quilos e meio.
Braden: Ten and a half kilos.
Senhor: Parece pequeno. Ela me disse que não queria pequeno.
Braden: It looks small. She said she doesn't want a small one.
Vendedor: Dez quilos e meio é o maior que tem desses lava-seca.
Braden: Ten and a half kilos is the largest there is for the washer/dryer combo.
Senhor: Hmmmm....
Braden: Hmmmm....
Vendedor: Também temos da LG e de Samsung. São os melhores três do mercado.
Braden: We also have some from LG and Samsung. They are the best three on the market.
Senhor: E quanto custa?
Braden: And how much does it cost?
Vendedor: Esse aí tá de R$ 3499. É um preço muito bom.
Braden: That one there is R$ 3499. It's a very good price.
Senhor: Eita, chega me dar cala-frios. Pode fazer um preço melhor?
Braden: Wow, that's scary. Could you do a better price?
Vendedor: Deixa-me ver.
Braden: Let me see.
Braden: (ask --- something about the dialogue-Peter always does a little review about the previous lessons. explain what you are thinking about the storyline in the lesson, so the students can follow and participate - don't make them guess.)
---: response
Braden: Okay so we wanted to give you a quick run down on some of the appliance brands in Brazil.
---: There are quite a few national brands and a few regional brands but we don't have time to look over all of them. So we are going to look at only the brands sold nationwide. and brands that tend to have the most reliable warranties.
---: Brastemp
---: whirlpool
---: Consul too
---: Brazil has many appliance brands
---: bosch - by GE as well as Mabe, dako
Braden: (What brand of washing machine do you most like? why?)
Braden: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
: The first word we shall see is:
Sílvia: cala-frios [natural native speed]
Braden: creeps, goosebumps
Sílvia: cala-frios [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Sílvia: cala-frios [natural native speed]
: Next:
Sílvia: lavadora [natural native speed]
Braden: washing machine
Sílvia: lavadora [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Sílvia: lavadora [natural native speed]
: Next:
Sílvia: lava-seca [natural native speed]
Braden: washer/dryer combo
Sílvia: lava-seca [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Sílvia: lava-seca [natural native speed]
: Next:
Sílvia: quilo [natural native speed]
Braden: kilo
Sílvia: quilo [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Sílvia: quilo [natural native speed]
: Next:
Sílvia: quilograma [natural native speed]
Braden: kilogram
Sílvia: quilograma [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Sílvia: quilograma [natural native speed]
: Next:
Sílvia: Samsung [natural native speed]
Braden: Samsung
Sílvia: Samsung [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Sílvia: Samsung [natural native speed]
: Next:
Sílvia: LG [natural native speed]
Braden: LG
Sílvia: LG [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Sílvia: LG [natural native speed]
: Next:
Sílvia: mercado [natural native speed]
Braden: market
Sílvia: mercado [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Sílvia: mercado [natural native speed]
: Next:
Sílvia: deixar [natural native speed]
Braden: to leave
Sílvia: deixar [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Sílvia: deixar [natural native speed]
Braden: Let's have a closer look at the usuage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
---: The first phrase we'll look at is Boa tarde.
Braden: Boa tarde is a very basic phrase that I'm sure you all know but I'd just wanted to focus a bit on the pronunciation.
Braden: Could you break this down?
---: (break down)
Braden: what's our next phrase?
---: The next phrase we'll look at is Calafrios
Braden: cala-frios literally translates to "closed colds" but it's a type of shiver and very related to goosebumps when caused by fear.
---: For example - Esta casa me da calafrios. - "This house gives me the creeps." Also, often cala-frios used to describe how you felt after the doctor gives you a bad diagnosis or says something startling.
Braden: Could you break this down?
---: (break down)
Braden: what's our next phrase?
---: The next phrase we'll look at is quantos quilos.
Braden: quantos quilos literally translates to "how many kilos." The Brazilians home appliance market identifies the amount of clothes a washing machine can handle in kilos.
---: So a 10 kilo washing machine has the capacity to wash 10 kilos of clothing. The key is ten kilos of "dry" clothes for washers but 10 kilos of "wet" clothes for dryers. With a little bit of thought you realize that 10 kilos of dry clothing is considerably more than 10 kilos of wet clothing.
Braden: Could you break this down?
---: (break down)

Lesson focus

Braden: So ---, what's the focus of this lesson?
---: The focus of this lesson is the subjunctive past. In the dialogue, we heard the phrase "Senhor - Minha esposa queria que fosse bem grande."
Braden: Which we translated as"Senhor - My wife wanted a very large one."
---: The past subjunctive has the same uses as the presente subjunctive. The past subjunctive follows past verbs of desire, doubt, and emotion.
Braden: A nice feature of the past subjunctive for English speakers is that it makes no distinction between preterite and imperfect – there is only one form that serves both meanings.
---: The past subjunctive is based on preterite forms 100% of the time so it is the most regular, easiest of all tenses to form – provided you know the preterite forms as well.
Braden: okay so let's Review the preterit forms really quick.
---: regular verbs
---: -ar = aram
---: trabalhar-trabalharam
---: falar-falaram
---: encontrar-encontraram
---: -er = eram
---: comer - comeram
---: viver -viveram
---: perder - perderam
---: -ir = -iram
---: sair - sairam
---: mentir - mentiram
---: dormir - dormiram
Braden: and in the PDF we have a table of irregular verbs so you can catch up on those.
---: To determine the basic form of the past subjunctive, remove the -ram from the vocês form of any preterite (-ar, -er, or -ir) and replace it with -sse. This basic form serves for the eu and vocIelele/ela forms.
Braden: For the plural forms, and the usual endings (-mos, -m). Some examples please?
---: okay, Cantar–cantaram. eu cantasse, você cantasse, ele/ela cantasse, nós cantássemos, vocês cantassem, eles/elas cantassem
Braden: and for the er verbs
---: okay the verb beber. beber–beberam, eu bebesse, você bebesse, ele/ela bebesse,
nós bebêssemos, vocês bebessem, eles/elas bebesser
Braden: Note the regular nós form of -ar and -ir verbs has an acute accent on the vowel before the -sse- (-á-, -í-). Regular -er verbs have a circumflex (ê).
---: Irregular -er forms usually haev an acute (as in tivêssemos), but note fôssemos with its circumflex.
Braden: *Spanish speakers will connect this tense with the -se- forms. The Spanish -ra- subjunctive forms have no parallel subjunctive forms in Portugueses.
quick review at the end of the lesson - explanation of why this is useful.
That just about does it for this lesson.
thanks for listening!


Braden: That just about does it for today.
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Braden: Thanks for listening!
Sílvia: Tenha um ótimo dia!

