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Lesson Transcript

Oi gente! This is Jade Furuta and welcome to Portuguese weekly words. Today’s theme is… Post office
caixa de correio “mail box”
A minha caixa de correio está quebrada.
My mail box is broken.
carta “letter”
Estou muito feliz! Recebi uma carta do Brasil!
Estou muito feliz! Recebi uma carta do Brasil!
I'm so happy! I received a letter from Brazil!
I kind of miss that. Maybe I should write one to my family in Brazil.
carteiro “mailman“
O carteiro veio esta manhã. O carteiro veio esta manhã.
The mailman came this morning.
I have to open the window and I am like “wait, I am coming down!” Because sometimes they just leave. So I am like hurrying, opening the window like “please wait for me.” And then I go to downstairs and then I pick up my stuff.
correios “post office”
Infelizmente, os correios não abrem de sábado.
Unfortunately, the post office doesn't open Saturday.
selo “stamp”
Não se esqueça de comprar um selo também.
Não se esqueça de comprar um selo também.
Don't forget to buy a stamp as well.
Acabou! How was today’s lesson? I hope you enjoyed yourself. Okay I will see you next week. Um beijo grande, tchau tchau!

