
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Thássia: Hello everyone! I'm Thássia, and welcome to PortuguesePOD101.com.
Braden: With us, you'll learn to speak Portuguese with fun and effective lessons.
Thássia: We also provide you with cultural insights...
Braden: ...and tips you won't find in a textbook.
Braden: So, in this lesson you'll learn how to use the frequently used irregular verb, poder.
Thássia: This conversation takes place in the evening at the airport.
Braden: And it's between Bia and an airport employee.
Thássia: The speakers are not friends, therefore they'll be speaking formally.
Braden: Let's listen to the conversation
Bia: Moço!
Funcionário: Pois não.
Bia: Você poderia me ajudar?
Funcionário: Qual é o problema, senhora?
Bia: Eu não consigo achar minha bagagem.
Funcionário: Qual é o número do seu vôo, senhora?
Bia: 395.
Funcionário: Pode ser que a sua bagagem ainda não chegou na esteira. Eu acho que daqui uns 5 minutos estará aqui.
Bia: Ah, obrigada.
English Host: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
Bia: Moço!
Funcionário: Pois não.
Bia: Você poderia me ajudar?
Funcionário: Qual é o problema, senhora?
Bia: Eu não consigo achar minha bagagem.
Funcionário: Qual é o número do seu vôo, senhora?
Bia: 395.
Funcionário: Pode ser que a sua bagagem ainda não chegou na esteira. Eu acho que daqui uns 5 minutos estará aqui.
Bia: Ah, obrigada.
English Host: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
Bia: Moço!
Braden: Young man!
Funcionário: Pois não.
Braden: Yes?
Bia: Você poderia me ajudar?
Braden: Could you help me?
Funcionário: Qual é o problema, senhora?
Braden: What’s the problem?
Bia: Eu não consigo achar minha bagagem.
Braden: I can’t find my baggage.
Funcionário: Qual é o número do seu vôo, senhora?
Braden: What’s your flight number, ma’am?
Bia: 395.
Braden: 395.
Funcionário: Pode ser que a sua bagagem ainda não chegou na esteira. Eu acho que daqui uns 5 minutos estará aqui.
Braden: It could be that your baggage hasn’t arrived on the conveyor belt. I think it should be here in about 5 minutes.
Bia: Ah, obrigada.
Braden: Oh, thank you.
Braden: Thássia, tell us about Porto Alegre.
Thássia: Well the name Porto alegre means "Joyous Port" or "Happy Harbor", it's the captical city of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil’s southernmost state and near the city is a large lake that acts as a port for the city.
Braden: I heard about the The "Praça da Matriz" do you know what that is?
Thássia: A little bit. The "Praça da Matriz" is located at the heart of Porto Alegre’s Historical Downtown, close to many other important historical places.
Braden: Yeah it's close to the Piratiny Palace, the House of Justice, the Metropolitan Cathedral and the Saint Peter Theatre (Theatro São Pedro).
Thássia: Yes. Near the “Praça da Matriz” you can also find the “Parque da Redenção” a large park where many people go to the park to socialize, play sports, relax and drink Mate (a type of tea).
Braden: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
: The first word we shall see is:
Thássia: bagagem [natural native speed]
Braden: baggage
Thássia: bagagem [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Thássia: bagagem [natural native speed]
: Next:
Thássia: voo [natural native speed]
Braden: flight
Thássia: voo [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Thássia: voo [natural native speed]
: Next:
Thássia: senhora [natural native speed]
Braden: ma'am
Thássia: senhora [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Thássia: senhora [natural native speed]
: Next:
Thássia: diferente [natural native speed]
Braden: different
Thássia: diferente [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Thássia: diferente [natural native speed]
: Next:
Thássia: esteira [natural native speed]
Braden: conveyor belt
Thássia: esteira [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Thássia: esteira [natural native speed]
: Next:
Thássia: novo [natural native speed]
Braden: new, young
Thássia: novo [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Thássia: novo [natural native speed]
Braden: Let's have a closer look at the usuage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Thássia: The first word we’ll look at in this lesson is “poderia.”
Braden: “Poderia” is a verb with similar meaning and use as “could.” In the dialogue, we saw Bia using the phrase “Você poderia me ajudar?” to mean “Could you help me?”
Thássia: “Você poderia me ajudar?” is a very polite sentence to use when asking for help.
Braden: Our next phrase is “pois não”. “Pois não” is a fixed phrase and it’s literal translation “wherefore no” makes no sense.
Thássia: However “pois não” is commonly used as “yes” or “may I help you?” and is almost always used as a response to inquiries like “Você poderia me ajudar?” In the dialogue, we saw the airport staff saying “pois não” to show good will to help.
Braden: Next we have the phrase “pode ser.” “Pode ser” literally translates to “can be,” but it is used as “can be,” “may be,” “maybe,” and “might.” In other words, “pode ser” indicates possibility.
Thássia: For example, the sentence “pode ser que eu vá à festa” means “I may go to the party.”
Braden: The last phrase we’ll look at in this lesson is “eu acho que.”
Thássia: “Eu acho que..” has a similar meaning and use as “I think (that).”
Braden: For example, the sentense “Eu aco que vai chover” means “I think it’s going to rain.” “Eu acho que...” is a very good phrase to use when expressing your opinion.

Lesson focus

Braden: Could you tell us the focus of this lesson?
Thássia: The focus of this lesson is the verb “poder.”
Braden: In the dialogue, we heard, "Moço, poderia me ajudar?" which we translated as "Young man, could you help me?
Thássia: The verb “poder” has several meanings and uses. In it’s infinitive verb form it usually means “to be able to”
Braden: but when used as a noun it means “power” as in “o poder de Deus” “the power of God.” “Poder” when used as a verb is usually translated as “can.”
Thássia: Poder is used to express capability or momentary disposal to do something.
Braden: Could you give us some example?
Thássia: Sure. The sentence Nós podemos começar agora. means "We can start now." and the phrase Vocês podem fazer um favor para mim? which means "Could y'all do a favor for me?” are both very normal ways to use the verb poder.
Braden: Okay, so let's conjugate this verb. Vamos?
Thássia: Vamos.
Braden: So how do we say I can
Thássia: Eu posso
Braden: And how do we say you can
Thássia: Você pode
Braden: and he/she/it can
Thássia: Ele ou ela pode
Braden: and we can
Thássia: Nós podemos
Braden: and y'all can
Thássia: Vocês podem
Braden: and they can
Thássia: eles ou elas podem.
Braden: and for those of you studying Portugal portuguese, could you give us the conjugations for Tu and Vós?
Thássia: Sure "tu podes" and "vós podeis."
Braden: Okay so in this lesson, we heard two phrases that used the verb "poder"
Thássia: First Você poderia me ajudar? to mean "Could you help me?" and second pode ser que a sua bagagem ainda não chegou. – "It might be that your baggage still hasn’t arrived.”
Braden: and we have two sample sentences First is Quem pode jogar basquete sábado de manhã? which means "Who can play basketball Saturday morning?
Thássia: and second Posso falar inglês? which means "May I speak Portuguese?”
Braden: The verb Poder is one of the top 15 most used irregular verbs in Portuguese.


Braden: That just about does it for today.
Thássia: Get instant access to all of our language learning lessons.
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Braden: okay see you next time!
Thássia: Até mais tarde!

