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E aí gente, tudo bom? It’s me Paloma. Welcome to another Top Portuguese Words. Today’s theme is 10 Must-Know Autumn Vocabulary.
1. suéter “sweater”
Preciso comprar uma roupa mais quentinha. Estava pensando em um suéter.
“I need to buy warmer clothes. I was thinking about a sweater.”
In Brazil, the seasons don’t change so much, so during autumn it’s not usually very cold, so even with a sweater or many people without, like, with T-shirts, they just stay okay during autumn time in Brazil.
2. chuvoso “rainy”
Esta semana vai ser chuvosa. Cuidado no trânsito, viu?
“This will be a rainy week. Be careful of the traffic, ok?”
It’s common to rain in autumn, but the time where we have the most rain in Brazil, at least in the southern part, is during the end of spring, so around November-December.
3. com vento “windy”
Dia com muito vento é bom pra secar a roupa no quintal.
“A windy day is great for drying clothes on the backyard.”
You know who used to tell me that a lot, she still does, it’s my grandma. Yeah, she couldn’t see the sun and wind and she would say, “Oh it’s a great day today! Let’s wash clothings.”
4. fresco “cool”
Os dias já estão ficando mais frescos. Está chegando o outono.
“The days are getting cooler. It's almost autumn.”
Fresco means “cool” like, “Oh today is a cool day” dia fresco. Like today is a cool day.
5. outono “autumn”
No outono gosto de ler e descansar em casa.
“In autumn I like to read and rest at home.”
In English, we have autumn and fall, but in Portuguese, we just say outono. It’s funny because most Brazilians don’t really know the seasons because the seasons don’t change that much in Brazil so it’s really hard to say if it’s still autumn or if it’s already winter or if it’s spring, but we surely know when it’s summer because it’s really, really hot.
6. frio “cold”
Que frio é esse? E é outono ainda, né?
“Why is it so cold! And it's still autumn, isn't it?”
7. Castanha “chestnut”
Meu pai adora trazer castanhas pra comermos em dias frios.
“My father loves to bring chestnuts for us to eat in cold days.”
8. camiseta de manga longa “long-sleeved T-shirt”
O que que você acha destas camisetas de manga longa? Estão em promoção.
“What do you think about these long-sleeved T-shirts? They are on sale.”
So this one is camiseta de manga curta, and then we have the camiseta de manga longa.
9. folhas caindo “falling leaves”
Observar as folhas caindo no outono faz a gente ficar pensativo.
“Watching the falling leaves makes us get so thoughtful.”
It’s not common for leaves to fall in Brazil, but we know that in many countries, we have the falling leaves so we kind of relate falling leaves with autumn, but it’s not something that happens in Brazil very often.
10. chá quente “hot tea”
Vou preparar um chá quente pra gente se esquentar.
“I'll make us some hot tea to warm us up.”
The most common type of tea in Brazil is the mate which is made of mate leaves of course and it’s also common in Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay I think. So you can drink it as chimarrão which is, you know, you put a hot water in that and then drink it. It’s very hot. But in other parts of Brazil, not in the southern part, we drink it, you know, like common tea. You just put a bag and drink it and it’s very good. They really like it.
Okay, the end. That’s all for today! Thanks a lot for watching and let us know in the comments how is the autumn in your country. See you next time! Tchau!

