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Ei galera beleza, I am Paloma. Eu sou Paloma. Welcome to the Top 10 Most Romantic Ideas for a Date. As 10 ideias mais românticas para um encontro.
1. jantar à luz de velas "candlelit dinner"
Comemoramos o nosso aniversário de casamento com um jantar à luz de velas. "We celebrated our wedding anniversary with a candlelit dinner."
This is one of the most romantic and maybe one of the easiest ways to impress a girl to take her to a candlelight dinner.
2. sair para uma caminhada juntos "to go for a walk together"
Nas férias a gente sempre saía bem cedinho para uma caminhada juntos. "On our vacations, we always went out for a walk together early in the morning."
In the sentence, you don’t necessarily need to say juntos, together because it kind of implies. You can just say, A gente saia para caminhar. We used to go for a walk.
3. ir ao boliche "to go bowling"
Vamos ao boliche hoje à noite! "Let's go bowling tonight!"
Yeah I go sometimes but I am not good at all.
4. ir ao aquário "to go to the aquarium"
O que que você acha de irmos visitar o aquário neste final de semana? "How about visiting the aquarium together this weekend?"
That’s a very nice place for a date, um aquario. An aquarium.
In São Paulo, I remember there is an aquarium in Santos City. That is a city in the coast of Sao Paulo.
5. ir à ópera "to go to the opera"
Preciso comprar um vestido novo porque vou à ópera hoje à noite com o Paulo. "I need to buy a new dress because I'm going to the opera with Paulo tonight."
I’ve never been to opera but yeah I think that would be a nice place for a fancy, fancy date, um encontro chiquérrimo.
6. ir ao zoológico "to go to the zoo"
A gente foi ao zoológico ontem passar o dia. "Yesterday we went to the zoo to spend the day."
I really like zoos and I think they are nice place for families, for dates, for taking your cousins. Yeah, I really like to go to the zoo, ir ao zoológico.
7. fazer um piquenique "to have a picnic"
Vamos fazer um piquenique no Jardim Botânico? Só eu e você, o que que você acha? "Let's have a picnic at the Botanical Garden? Just you and me, what do you think about that?"
That’s a very nice way to ask someone to go out with you to have dinner and go to the movies.
8. jantar e ir ao cinema "to have dinner and go to the movies"
Vou sair para jantar com o Filipe hoje. Depois queremos ir ao cinema, mas ainda precisamos escolher o filme. "I'm going out to dinner with Filipe today. Then we would like to go to the movies, but we still need to choose the movie."
This is like most basic date I have in mind to have dinner and then go to the movies.
What kind of movie would you like to see in a date.
9. passear de barco "to take a ferry ride"
Vamos passear de barco em Ilhabela? Assim curtimos o dia bem juntinhos! "Let's take a ferry ride in Ilhabela? This way we can enjoy the day together."
10. caminhar na praia "to walk on the beach"
Todas as manhãs caminhamos juntos de mãos dadas na praia. "Every morning we walk together on the beach holding hands."
That’s also another nice expression, de mãos dadas “holding hands”.
Well, if you have the chance to go to the beach, it’s already very romantic but it’s like a dream come true to be walking around the beach holding hands with your loved one. Com o seu amado/a sua amada.
É tudo por hoje! “That’s all for today.” Thanks a lot for watching, obrigado por assistir. And let us know in the comments how you’d take your Brazilian girlfriend or boyfriend to date. Até mais! Tchau!

