Vocabulary (Review)

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Hi everyone, Paloma here. Welcome to Top 25 Portuguese Verbs.
ser “to be, exist”
Ser is one of the ways to say the verb “to be” in Portuguese. It means the permanent state. So, “I am Brazilian”, Eu sou brasileira. I will always be Brazilian. So, Eu sou brasileira.
ter “to have”
Ter is just to mean that you have something. For example Eu tenho uma irmã. “I have a sister.” But it is also used to say age. For example, Eu tenho 24 anos. “I am 24 years old.”
fazer “do, make”
There is no difference in Portuguese between do and make. So, you can say Eu vou fazer um bolo. “I will make a cake” or Eu vou fazer a lição de casa. “I will do my homework.”
dizer “to say”
So, you can say Ela disse que sabe falar português. “She said, she can speak Portuguese.”
estar “to be”
Estar is the other way you can say the verb “to be” in Portuguese. So you have ser and estar. Estar is the temporary state. So, for example, Eu estou em São Paulo. “I am in Sao Paulo.” but it doesn’t mean I will be in Sao Paulo forever. So for example, tomorrow I can be in Rio. So, “Today I am in Sao Paulo”, Hoje, eu estou em São Paulo.
haver “to be (there is, there are)”
This verb is used a lot in news but it’s not very common in informal language, in every day casual conversations. Há três pessoas nesta sala. “There are three people in this room.”
ir “to go”
So you can say Vamos para o Brasil? Let’s go to Brazil? or Eu vou viajar amanhã. “I am going traveling tomorrow.”
saber “know”
So, you can say that you know Portuguese, Eu sei português. or that you don’t know some language, Eu não sei inglês. “I don’t know English.”
poder “can”
Eu posso carregar 10 kilos! “I can carry 10 kilos.”
ver “see”
So you can say, Eu vi esse filme semana passada. “I saw this movie last week.”
vir “to come”
So vir and ver are very similar. The sound is very similar and vir means “to come” and ver means “to see.” So you can say Você vem no meu aniversário amanhã? “Are you coming to my birthday tomorrow?”
achar “to think”
So you could say Eu acho ele bonito. “I think he is cute.” or Eu acho que amanhã vai chover. “I think tomorrow it’s going to rain.”
ficar “stay”
There are two ways you can use the verb ficar in Portuguese. One is the same as English, stay: Eu vou ficar em casa amanhã. “I am staying home tomorrow” but you can also use it to say where something is located. For example: Onde fica o banheiro? “Where is the bathroom?”
querer “to want”
Eu quero aprender português. “I want to learn Portuguese.” or Ela quer ir ao Brasil. “She wants to go to Brazil.”
dar “give”
So, A minha amiga me deu um presente. “My friend gave me a present.”
ouvir “hear”
So you can say Eu estou ouvindo a minha música favorita. “I am listening to my favorite song.” or Eu ouvi a conversa de vocês. “I heard you talking.”
deixar “let”
Me deixa entrar? “Can you let me in?” or Eu deixei a minha prima na casa dela. “I left my cousin at her home.”
falar “talk”
Eu falo português. “I speak Portuguese.” or Eu falei com a minha amiga. “I talked to my friends.”
pedir “ask”
For example, if you are hungry, you could say Eu pedi uma pizza. “I ordered a pizza.” or “I asked for a pizza.”
passar “pass”
It’s a very useful verb because you can use it with other nouns or verbs to mean different things. For example: passar roupa “to iron clothes” or passar o tempo “to spend time.”
parecer “seem”
For example, Parece que vai chover hoje. “It seems like it’s going to rain today.” Well not today, it’s very sunny here.
sentir “feel”
So you can feel sick Estou sentindo mal. or Sentir-se feliz. “To feel happy.”
chegar “arrive”
For example, A minha mãe chegou agora. “My mom just arrived.”
sair “leave”
Eu sai de casa muito cedo. “I left home very early.”
comer “to eat”
So this is a very useful verb you need to know. For example Eu comi uma feijoada hoje. “I ate a feijoada today.”
That’s it for today.
Thanks a lot for watching and I hope to see you in our next video. See you! Tchau!

