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Lesson Transcript

Oi gente, hi everyone! Eu sou a Paloma. Paloma here!
Welcome to Top 10 Phrases You Never Want to Hear
A gente deveria sair com outras pessoas. "We should see other people."
Yeah, sounds like a break up, right?
É, eu acho que a gente deveria sair com outras pessoas.
Yeah, I think we should see other people.
A gente precisa conversar. "We need to talk."
That’s not a good phrase. Especially if your girlfriend tells you that, you might have done something wrong.
Querido, vem aqui, a gente precisa conversar.
Honey, come here; we need to talk.
Not good.
Desculpa, eu esqueci! "Sorry, I forgot!"
So if your teacher comes to you and say “Você preparou a apresentação?” “Did you prepare the presentation?” you just say “Desculpa, eu esqueci!” "Sorry, I forgot!"
Yeah, you might not get a good grade at that subject.
Eu não tenho o seu dinheiro hoje. "I don't have your money today."
You might be a good friend and lend money to your friends, but then, when you need that money back, you might say:
E o meu dinheiro?
“What about my money?”
And a bad answer would be:
Eu não tenho o seu dinheiro hoje.
"I don't have your money today."
Eu te falei! "I told you so!"
Especially moms do that, right? So, if you want to go out to a place, and your mom tells you:
Leva uma blusa!
Take a blouse with you!/Take a coat with you!
And you just say:
Não, não precisa!
No, I don’t need that!
So when you come back all wet, or cold, she might tell you:
Eu te falei!
"I told you!"
Não é você, sou eu. "It's not you, it's me."
When someone is trying to break up with you, they might use this phrase. So, they don’t want to, you know, hurt your feelings, “quebrar o seu coração,” “break your heart.” So they might say:
Não, mas o problema não é você, sou eu.
“No, the problem is not you, it's me."
Obrigada pelo currículo. Infelizmente a vaga já foi preenchida. "Thank you for your resumé. Unfortunately the position has been filled."
That’s a pretty bad sentence, right? So if you’re looking forward to get a job, and you’re waiting and waiting for the answer from the company, and they just send you this email, or by phone:
Obrigado pelo currículo. Infelizmente a vaga já foi preenchida.
"Thank you for your resumé. Unfortunately the position has been filled."
Você engordou? “Have you gained weight?"
Yeah, people don’t like to hear that, right? So, you just say:
Ah, você está diferente…
Oh, you look different…
Don’t say:
Você engordou? “Have you gained weight?"
Você tem um fio de cabelo branco. "You have a grey hair."
I think young people don’t care that much about grey hair. I also have some. But when you’re getting older, you know like 40’s of 50’s, you don’t want to have grey hairs at all.
So if you come to your aunty or uncle, and say:
Você tem um fio de cabelo branco. "You have a grey hair."
They might be like:
“Oh no, I’m getting old.”
Você está demitido. "You're fired."
I think that’s the worst sentence, that you never want to hear. If your boss don’t look very happy with you, he might come to your office and say:
Come here.
Vem cá.
Você está demitido. "You're fired."
The end. OK, that’s it for today! No more bad sentences. I hope you enjoyed it, and I hope you don’t hear those sentences at all! See you next time! Tchau!

