
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Thássia: Ola!
Braden: Braden here! This is Absolute Beginner Season 1, Lesson 6 - Are You in Possession of this Portuguese Potable?
Thássia: Hello everyone! I'm Thássia, and welcome to PortuguesePOD101.
Braden: With us, you'll learn to speak Portuguese with fun and effective lessons.
Thássia: We also provide you with cultural insights.
Braden: And tips you won't find in a textbook. You know Thássia, being part of the Pod101 family is amazing.
Thássia: Each language n Pod101 family is unique and taught in unique ways.
Braden: Since we're one of the newest members of the Pod101, family we have a lot to learn.
Thássia: And thanks to your great feedback over this first month, we've already started improving.
Braden: That's right! Peyton from Virginia said – PortuguesePod has helped me easily learn more about Portuguese and Brazil. I just wish you guys would relax a bit when you're recording. You're content is spot on. You just need to have more fun! Keep up with the good work!
Thássia: And Jigen from Tokyo said – Your grammar points in the lesson notes are great but sometimes the explanation in the audio are a bit bare. Fill those out a bit and I'll be a consistent listener.
Braden: Thank you so much for your feedback and we apologize for not being able to respond to all of your emails.
Thássia: But we really do read them and implement everyone we can.
Braden: Remember, we're doing this for you so keep the feedback coming! In this lesson, we'll focus on showing possession using the word "de."
Thássia: This conversation is between Davi and Natalie and takes place at a party.
Braden: They're in a casual setting so they'll be speaking informally.
Thássia: Let's have a listen.

Lesson conversation

Natalie: Quem são eles?
Davi: Eles são amigos de Tiago.
Natalie: E elas alí?
Davi: São minha esposa e minha filha.
Natalie: Sério?! Vocês moram aqui?
Davi: Não, nós moramos em Vitória.
Braden:One time, slowly please.
Natalie: Quem são eles?
Davi: Eles são amigos de Tiago.
Natalie: E elas alí?
Davi: São minha esposa e minha filha.
Natalie: Sério?! Vocês moram aqui?
Davi: Não, nós moramos em Vitória.
Braden:And one time fast with translation.
Natalie: Quem são eles?
Braden: Who are they?
Davi: Eles são amigos de Tiago.
Braden: They are Tiago's friends.
Natalie: E elas alí?
Braden: And those girls over there?
Davi: São minha esposa e minha filha.
Braden: They are my wife and my daughter.
Natalie: Sério?! Vocês moram aqui?
Braden: Really?! Do you live here?
Davi: Não, nós moramos em Vitória.
Braden: No, we live in Vitória.
Thássia: I know it's kind of close to here.
Braden: That's right! Vitória is the capital of Espírito Santo, the state just north of Rio de Jainero.
Thássia: Oh yeah! They grow a lot of coffee there, don't they?
Braden: And chocolate. Vitória is one of three Brazilian capital cities that is on an island. It's completely surrounded by water.
Thássia: It's also very old. One of the oldest cities in Brazil.
Braden: They've built several beautiful bridges that go from the mainland to the island.
Thássia: Its sounds beautiful.
Braden: It is. I lived there but only for about two months but I've almost moved back about three times. It's a wonderful place. Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Thássia: The first word we shall see is: nós [natural native speed].
Braden: We.
Thássia: Nós [slowly - broken down by syllable], nós [natural native speed].
Braden: Next we have.
Thássia: De [natural native speed].
Braden: Of.
Thássia: De [slowly - broken down by syllable], de [natural native speed].
Braden: And the next, we have.
Thássia: Eles [natural native speed].
Braden: They.
Thássia: Eles [slowly - broken down by syllable], eles [natural native speed]
Braden: Next.
Thássia: Elas [natural native speed].
Braden: They.
Thássia: Elas [slowly - broken down by syllable], elas [natural native speed].
Braden: The next one is.
Thássia: Amigo [natural native speed].
Braden: Friend.
Thássia: Amigo [slowly - broken down by syllable], amigo [natural native speed].
Braden: And next we have.
Thássia: Vocês [natural native speed].
Braden: You all, all of you.
Thássia: Vocês [slowly - broken down by syllable], vocês [natural native speed].
Braden: Next we have.
Thássia: Não [natural native speed].
Braden: No.
Thássia: Não [slowly - broken down by syllable], não [natural native speed]
Braden: And last we have.
Thássia: Esposa [natural native speed].
Braden: Wife.
Thássia: Esposa [slowly - broken down by syllable], esposa [natural native speed].
Braden: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some words and phrases from this lesson.
Braden: In previous lessons, we learned the words…
Thássia: "Eu."
Braden: Which means "I."
Thássia: "Você."
Braden: Which means, "You."
Thássia: "Ele."
Braden: Which means, "He."
Thássia: And "ela."
Braden: Which means, "She."
Thássia: In this lesson, we will go over the word "nós" and the plural forms of these words.
Braden: Plurals are words that mark the existence of more than one of whatever category identified.
Thássia: What?
Braden: In other words, plural means there's more than one.
Thássia: So the plurals we are going to be dealing with today are "vocês."
Braden: Which means, "you" plural.
Thássia: "Eles."
Braden: Which means, "they" in the masculine form.
Thássia: And "elas."
Braden: Which also means, "they" but in the feminine form. First of all, "nós" is the Portuguese word for "we" and it's used in exactly the same ways. Could you say that with the correct pronunciation please?
Thássia: Of course! Nós.
Braden: And one time slowly.
Thássia: Nós.
Braden: And one time fast.
Thássia: Nós. It has an open "-o" sound.
Braden: Could you use it in a sentence for us?
Thássia: Nós somos do Vitória.
Braden: Which means, "We are from Vitória." Perfect! What's our next word?
Thássia: "Vocês."
Braden: Now, in English, the word "you" can be both singular and plural, but in Portuguese…
Thássia: "Você."
Braden: Is the singular and…
Thássia: "Vocês."
Braden: Is the plural.
Thássia: Just add an "-s" on the end to make it plural. "Vocês" is sometimes translated as "y'all" or "all of you" to distinguish the meaning.
Braden: Okay! So our next word is "eles."
Thássia: "Eles" is the plural form of "ele." It means "they" or "them."
Braden: "Eles" refers to a group of men or mixed group of men and women. Our last word is…
Thássia: "Elas." "Elas" is the plural form "ela." It means "they" or "them."
Braden: The catch is that…
Thássia: "Elas."
Braden: Is specific to women only groups. If there is even one guy in the group, then it can't be "elas."
Thássia: That's right! If there are guys and girls, then you need to say, "eles."
Braden: When you're using the word "elas" it's often more clear to simply translate it as "those girls" or "those women" instead of they, isn't it?
Thássia: Yes. Translating that way can help avoid confusion.
Braden: So "elas" can't be used even if there's a hundred women and just one guy. "Elas" is for women only.
Thássia: Right.
Braden: Let's take a look at today's grammar point.

Lesson focus

Thássia: The focus of this lesson is showing possession with "de."
Braden: In the dialogue, we heard the phrase "amigos de Tiago," which we translated as "Tiago's friends." Could you explain a bit about why we did that?
Thássia: Of course! Unlike English, Portuguese doesn't have an apostrophe "-s" to show possession.
Braden: Right! So, we can't say "Tiago's friends," in Portuguese. That just doesn't make sense.
Thássia: No. That doesn't make sense.
Braden: But the same idea can be expressed by restructuring the sentence a bit and saying "friends of Tiago," which in Portuguese, is…
Thássia: "Amigos de Tiago."
Braden: The word "de" in the middle means, "of."
Thássia: Good! Another example would be "Brazil’s beaches." To say that in Portuguese, you say "beaches of Brazil," which translates to "praias do Brasil," using the preposition "de" plus the article "-o."
Braden: You know, to me, I think that "de" is probably the most frequently used word in Portuguese.
Thássia: You're probably right. We do say it a lot.
Braden: "De" is an interesting word. It can be translated either as "of" in the sense of possession like we just talked about, or as "from" in the sense of direction or origin.
Thássia: A good example of the word "de" would be the phrase "I am from Portugal," which in Portuguese is "Eu sou de Portugal."
Braden: At first, I thought having all that meaning in just one word would be really confusing, but it isn't. I was so worried that the Brazilians wouldn't understand me if I couldn’t specify "of" or "from" but it was actually really nice because the Brazilians did understand me. And it was less vocabulary and grammar to learn.
Thássia: That's always nice!
Braden: Yes it is. Could you give us one more example using "de" to show possession?
Thássia: Sure! The phrase "Este é a casa de Sara," literally translates to "This is the house of Sara," or "This is Sara's house."
Braden: And I guess I'll give an example too.
Thássia: Okay.
Braden: The phrase…
Thássia: "O computador é de Alex."
Braden: Directly translates to "The computer is of Alex." In English, that sounds pretty strange, but in Portuguese that's about as normal as it gets.
Thássia: One other easy use of the word "de" is to ask "whose?"
Braden: That's right. To ask "whose?" use the phrase "de quem," which means "of whom." Could you give us, say, two examples of that?
Thássia: Certainly! "De quem é a casa?" means "Whose house is that?" and "These papers are whose," translates to "Esses papeis são de quem?"
Braden: That just about does it for today. Okay! Some of our listeners already know about our most powerful tool in PortuguesePOD101.com.
Thássia: Line by line audio.
Braden: You can listen to the dialogue, one line at a time using our line by line audio feature.
Thássia: Listen until every word and syllable becomes clear.
Braden: This feature is perfect for catching that word or phrase you missed or for hearing exactly how something is pronounced.
Thássia: You'll find this feature on the lesson page on the premium members' resources at PortuguesePOD101.com.
Braden: Bye.
Thássia: Tchau!
Sample Sentences
Natalie: Quem são eles?
Davi: Eles são amigos de Tiago.
Natalie: E elas alí?
Davi: São minha esposa e minha filha.
Natalie: Sério?! Vocês moram aqui?
Davi: Não, nós moramos em Vitória.


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