
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Thássia: Bom dia!
Braden: Braden here! This is Absolute Beginner Season 1, Lesson 23 - Going Downtown in Brazil. So Thássia, what are we learning in this lesson?
Thássia: In this lesson, you will learn how to conjugate the irregular verb "ir" in the present tense.
Braden: Where does this conversation take place and who is it between?
Thássia: This conversation takes place at work and it’s between Leonardo and Julie.
Braden: What’s the formality level of this conversation?
Thássia: Well, just because they’re co-workers, therefore, they'll be speaking semi-formally.
Braden : Let’s listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

Leonardo: Aonde você vai depois do trabalho?
Julie: Vou à livraria.
Leonardo: Você vai à livraria do centro?
Juile: Vou sim.
Leonardo: Vamos juntos então porque vou assistir um filme no cinema.
Braden:One time slowly.
Leonardo: Aonde você vai depois do trabalho?
Julie: Vou à livraria.
Leonardo: Você vai à livraria do centro?
Juile: Vou sim.
Leonardo: Vamos juntos então porque vou assistir um filme no cinema.
Braden:And one time fast with the translation.
Julie: Aonde você vai depois do trabalho?
Braden : Where are you going after work?
Julie: Vou à livraria.
Braden: I'm going to the bookstore.
Julie: Você vai à livraria do centro?
Braden: Are you going to the bookstore downtown?
Julie: Vou sim.
Braden: Yes, I am.
Julie: Vamos juntos então porque vou assistir um filme no cinema.
Braden : Shall we go together then, because I'm going to watch a movie at the theater.
Braden : So in the dialogue, we hear the term "centro". Centro literally translates to "center," but it actually has several practical meanings, doesn’t it?
Thássia: That's right. By itself, "centro" usually means "downtown," or the "center of the city."
Braden: But it can also be used like…
Thássia: "Centro cultural"
Braden: When talking about a "cultural center," or…
Thássia: "Centro commercial"
Braden: When you're talking about "commercial center."
Thássia: It can also be used like in English to denote the center of something as in the "centro da página", the "center of the page."
Braden : And that "e", is it open or closed?
Thássia: It's closed. "cen-tro" "centro" If it were open it would sound like "centro" which is wrong. It should be "centro."
Braden : Let's take a look at the vocabulary. Our first word is…
Thássia: Aonde [natural native speed].
Braden : To what place; to where.
Thássia. Aonde [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Aonde [natural native speed].
Braden: Next we have…
Thássia: Trabalho [natural native speed]
Braden : Work; job.
Thássia: Trabalho [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Trabalho [natural native speed].
Braden: Our next word is…
Thássia: Livraria [natural native speed].
Braden : Bookstore.
Thássia: Livraria [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Livraria [natural native speed].
Braden: And next we have…
Thássia: Centro [natural native speed].
Braden : Center; downtown.
Thássia: Centro [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Centro [natural native speed].
Braden: And our next word is…
Thássia: Ir [natural native speed].
Braden: Go.
Thássia. Ir [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Ir [natural native speed].
Braden: And our last word is…
Thássia: Visitar [natural native speed].
Braden : To visit.
Thássia: Visitar [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Visitar [natural native speed].
Braden : Let's have a closer look at the dialogue for this lesson.
Thássia: The words we’ll look at are contractions of contractions of prepositions and articles.
Braden : Right. So whenever the preposition “de" or "em" come before articles…
Thássia: "O," "A," "Os," and "As"…
Braden: The preposition and article form a contraction and become one word.
Thássia: So "de" and "o" will combine to form the word "do" spelled "d-o."
Braden : Right. Or if you have "de" and then "as," it would become "das."
Thássia: Exactly. The preposition "em," which means "in," follows the same rule.
Braden : For example, when "em" is followed by "a," it contracts to become "na." There's a bit of a switch there but nothing major.
Thássia: So if the preposition "em" were followed by "os," it would become "nos."
Braden : Just remember that their meaning stays the same.
Thássia: "Dos"…
Braden: Still means "of the" in the same way that "de os" does.
Thássia: Portuguese has many other contractions with articles and prepositions, but we'll learn about those in later lessons.
Braden : Let's take a look at today's grammar point.

Lesson focus

Thássia: The focus of this lesson is the present tense of the irregular verb "ir."
Braden: In the dialogue, we heard the phrase…
Thássia: "Vou à livraria."
Braden: Which means "I go to the bookstore," or "I'm going to the bookstore." "Vou" is a conjugated form of the irregular verb "ir," which means "to go."
Thássia: Since "ir" is irregular, it doesn't follow the pattern of other verbs that end in "-ir."
Braden: So, "I go" in Portuguese would be…
Thássia: "Eu vou."
Braden: And "you go" would be…
Thássia: "Você vai."
Braden : And "he/she goes" would be…
Thássia: "Ele vai" or "ela vai."
Braden: And "we go" is…
Thássia: "Nós vamos."
Braden: And lastly, "they go" is…
Thássia: "Eles vão."
Braden : Okay. So, when you're talking about going to a destination, the conjugated form of "ir" is usually followed by the preposition "a" which means "to”.
Thássia: The construction is that, you have "você," plus "vai," plus "a," which means "to," plus the place you are going – "o centro."
Braden : So all together, you get…
Thássia: "Você vai ao centro?"
Braden: Which means, "Will you go downtown?" Notice the rising tone here. When your voice rises at the end that that makes it a question. Literally, this phrase translates to, "You go to the center?" but it means, "Will you go downtown?" Some other good examples would be "I am going to Brasília…"
Thássia: Which is, "Eu vou a Brasília."
Braden: And "I am going to class…"
Thássia: Which is "Eu vou à aula."
Braden : That just about does it for today.
Thássia: Want to make the vocab words from this lesson stick?
Braden: Check out the vocabulary list provided with each lesson available to premium members.
Thássia: Click on anywhere to automatically add it to your word bank.
Braden: Words added to your word bank can be made into flashcards used to quiz yourself.
Thássia: Give it a try at PortuguesePod101.com.
Braden: See you next time.
Thássia: Ciao! Ciao!

