
Vocabulary (Review)

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Thássia: Bom dia!
Braden: Braden here! This is Absolute Beginner Season 1, Lesson 12 - Brazilian Victory Dance!
Thássia: Hello everyone! I'm Thássia, and welcome to PortuguesePod101.com.
Braden: In this lesson, we'll focus on the word aí.
Thássia: This conversation is between Ana Carolina and Brian and takes place at Natalie's house during a guessing game.
Braden: The speakers are friends; so, they will be speaking informally
Thássia: Let's listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

Brian: Ana Carolina, o que você tem lá?
Ana Carolina: Lá onde?
Brian: Desculpa. O que você tem aí?
Ana Carolina: Eu tenho algo azul aqui.
Brian: É uma caderno?
Ana Carolina: Não. Brian, o que você tem aí?
Brian: Eu tenho algo branco.
Ana Carolina: É loção?
Brian: É sim.
Ana Carolina: Oh, ganhei!
English Host: One time slowly.
Brian: Ana Carolina, o que você tem lá?
Ana Carolina: Lá onde?
Brian: Desculpa. O que você tem aí?
Ana Carolina: Eu tenho algo azul aqui.
Brian: É uma caderno?
Ana Carolina: Não. Brian, o que você tem aí?
Brian: Eu tenho algo branco.
Ana Carolina: É loção?
Brian: É sim.
Ana Carolina: Oh, ganhei!
English Host: And one time natural native speed with translation.
Brian: Ana Carolina, o que você tem lá?
Braden: Ana Carolina, what do you have there?
Ana Carolina: Lá onde?
Braden: There where?
Brian: Desculpa. O que você tem aí?
Braden: Sorry. What do you have with you?
Ana Carolina: Eu tenho algo azul aqui.
Braden: I have something blue here.
Brian: É uma caderno?
Braden: Is it a notebook?
Ana Carolina: Não. Brian, o que você tem aí?
Braden: No. Brian, what do you have where you are?
Brian: Eu tenho algo branco.
Braden: I have something white.
Ana Carolina: É loção?
Braden: Is it lotion?
Brian: É sim.
Braden: Yes, it is!
Ana Carolina: Oh, ganhei!
Braden: Oh, I won!
Braden: "Ganhei!" It's always fun when you win, isn't it? So, what do Brazilians do when they win?
Thássia: Usually, we dance! We party! We set off fireworks. Winning makes us happy.
Braden: That's good. I remember a while back Robinho, a famous Brazilian footballer, was criticized in Europe because he did a little victory dance after making a goal.
Thássia: Yes. They were very rude about it. They said he was showing off, bragging and that it was unsportsman-like.
Braden: That's pretty harsh!
Thássia: Yeah! I had to explain to my friends that as Brazilians we play soccer for the joy of playing and since making a goal is a good thing he was celebrating a good thing happening, not bragging or putting the other team down.
Braden: That makes sense. I've noticed that Brazilians like to hug when they win. Is that normal?
Thássia: It's normal to me, but I don't really think there is a "right" way to celebrate winning in Brazil.
Braden: How about when Brazil scores a goal in the world cup?
Thássia: Well, that's different altogether. There's usually lots of cheering, jumping, and hugging. Depending on how important the goal was.
Braden: But it is considered rude to put others down because you won.
Thássia: Yes. That is very ugly and we don't like that.
Braden: Thank you. Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Thássia: The first word we shall see is aí [natural native speed]
Braden: There (where you are)
Thássia: Aí [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Aí [natural native speed]
Braden: Next, we have…
Thássia: Lá [natural native speed]
Braden: Over there
Thássia: Lá [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Lá [natural native speed]
Braden: The next word is…
Thássia: Ali [natural native speed]
Braden: Just there, right there
Thássia: Ali [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Ali [natural native speed]
Braden: Next is…
Thássia: Branco [natural native speed]
Braden: White
Thássia: Banco [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Branco [natural native speed]
Braden: Next is…
Thássia: Azul [natural native speed]
Braden: Blue
Thássia: Azul [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Azul [natural native speed]
Braden: The next word is…
Thássia: Caderno [natural native speed]
Braden: Notebook
Thássia: Caderno [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Caderno [natural native speed]
Braden: What's the next word?
Thássia: Ganhar [natural native speed]
Braden: To win, to receive
Thássia: Ganhar [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Ganhar [natural native speed]
Braden: And next is…
Thássia: Loção [natural native speed]
Braden: Lotion
Thássia: Loção [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Loção [natural native speed]
Braden: And out last word is…
Thássia: Algo [natural native speed]
Braden: Something
Thássia: Algo [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Algo [natural native speed]
Braden: Thassia, what are we studying in this lesson?
Thássia: In this lesson we'll learn about some cognate patterns in Portuguese.
Braden: We talk a bit about cognates in the All About series too, right?
Thássia: Right. Cognates are words in two different languages that share similar meanings and appearances. We gave some tips for being able to identify cognates and use them in the All About lessons.
Braden: So, in the dialogue, Ana Carolina guessed that Brian had some lotion. The words "lotion" and "loção" are cognates?
Thássia: Yes. They even sound similar.
Braden: That's true. These two words are an example of a particular cognate pattern between English and Portuguese.
Thássia: Yep. This pattern you can use to decipher certain cognates.
Braden: So, the pattern is that Portuguese words ending with the sound "ção" spelled "-ç-ã-o," are similar in meaning, appearance, and pronunciation to English words ending in "-tion" (spelled "-t-i-o-n").
Thássia: So, -ção is the same as -tion, right?
Braden: Right. There are many examples of this. Thássia, can you think of any?
Thássia: Sure, the word "relation," which is "relação" in Portuguese.
Braden: Good. Relation – Relação. Next?
Thássia: And the word "imagination," which is "imaginação" in Portuguese.
Braden: Very good. Imagination
Thássia: Imaginação.
Braden: There is also a similar pattern with English words that end in "-sion" spelled "-s-i-o-n."
Thássia: They too usually look very similar but end with the letters "-s-ã-o," which is also pronounced [são].
Braden: For example, the English word "extension" is "extensão" in Portuguese.
Thássia: And the word "mission" is "missão."
Braden: Okay, in English "-tion" and "-sion" at the end of words are both pronounced "shun".
Thássia: And in Portuguese, "ção" spelled with a c and "são", spelled with s, are also pronounced the same way, They're just spelled differently.
Braden: Awesome! Thanks for that! Let's take a look at today's grammar point.

Lesson focus

Thássia: The focus of this lesson is the word "aí."
Braden: In the dialogue, Brian said
Thássia: "O que você tem aí,"
Braden: Which means "What do you have there?"
Thássia: Or "What do you have with you?"
Braden: Right. In past lessons we talked about the words "ali" and "lá" which both translate as there but are for different distances.
Thássia: That's right. Usually, "alí" is for things that are close to you but out of your reach, but still within view, like something just across the street.
Braden: And lá is for anything far away and that you usually can't see, or maybe just barely see. "Aí" is different from "alí" or "lá."
Thássia: Aí doesn't exist in English so this is a completely new concept. There is no single word in English that has the complete meaning of "aí."
Braden: That's right. "Aí" is very specific to the immediate person or surroundings of the person you are talking to, whether they be on the other side of the table or the other side of the planet.
Thássia: In simpler terms, it's "where you are."
Braden: Where I am? (chuckle)
Thássia: No, where you are. Like in the dialogue, Brian asked "O que você tem lá?" which we translated as "What do you have there?"
Braden: The English make sense, but this confused Ana Carolina so she asked, "Lá aonde?" because she didn't know what Brian was referring to.
Thássia: Then Brian corrected himself and asked, "O que você tem aí?" and Ana Carolina immediately understood.
Braden: The concepts behind these words are that strong. Let's look at another situation, a telephone call.
Thássia: Okay, you call your friend in Japan, you'd normally ask them something like "How are things?" right?
Braden: I certainly would.
Thássia: To say that in Portuguese you would say "Como estão as coisas por aí?" which translates to "How are things there?" but means "How are things there where you are?" Asking "Como estão as coisas por lá?" which would also translate to "How are things there?" is incorrect and would confuse your friend.
Braden: That's because "Lá" refers to someplace distant from both you and the person you're talking to.
Thássia: Yes, lá always has to be determined by context. Without some kind context or reference, using lá rarely makes any sense at all.
Braden: The reason we taught these three words separately is because "aí," "alí," and "lá" are usually taught as divisions within the English word "there." That's how I was taught.
Thássia: And because of this, these words are customarily simply translated as "there," but this is simply incorrect and causes a lot of confusion
Braden: "Aí," "alí," and "lá" all have specific meanings and uses but they are very easy to use and understand. Okay so a quick review. Thássia, how do you say, "here" in Portuguese?
Thássia: "Aqui"
Braden: And how do you say "where you are"?
Thássia: "Aí"
Braden: And how about "just over there"?
Thássia: Ali.
Braden: And last, how do you say "way over there" in Portuguese?
Thássia: Lá
Braden: That's awesome. Whole phrases in English are just one word in Portuguese. For me, it's best to think of them as completely different location words. That way you don't cause any confusion. That just about does it for today.
Thássia: Okay, some of our listeners already know about the most powerful tool on PortuguesePod101.com.
Braden: Line-by-line audio.
Thássia: The perfect tool for rapidly improving listening comprehension.
Braden: By listening to lines of the conversation again and again.
Thássia: Listen until every word and syllable becomes clear. Basically we break down the dialogue into comprehensible byte size sentences.
Braden: You can try the line-by-line audio at PortuguesPod101.com. Okay, see you next time.
Thássia: Até mais!


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