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Lesson Transcript

E aí gente, tudo bom? Paloma here! Welcome to another Top Portuguese Words. Today’s topic is “Top 10 Things to do in the Summer in Brazil”, Top coisas para fazer no Brasil durante o verão.
1. viajar para o exterior “to travel abroad”
Ah, eu queria tanto viajar pro exterior, mas vou precisar juntar mais dinheiro primeiro.
“Oh, I wish I could travel abroad, but I'll have to save more money first.”
Brazil is a country that is very far from other countries. So besides the countries that border Brazil, it’s kind of expensive and far to travel to them. But on the other side, for example, if you’re just melting in Brazilian summer, you can just go to Europe and it’s gonna be winter so you can see snow and you can really feel cold as we don’t have in Brazil.
2. relaxar na praia “to relax at the beach”
Nada melhor do que relaxar na praia com a família!
“Nothing better than relaxing at the beach with the family!”
Ah relaxar! Eu quero relaxar hoje. “I wanna relax today.”
3. estudar português com o PortuguesePod101.com
“to learn Portuguese with PortuguesePod101.com”
Faz um mês que estou estudando português no PortuguesePod101.com e estou adorando!
“I've been studying Portuguese with PortuguesePod101.com for a month and I'm loving it!”
You don’t only need to stay home to study with PortuguesesePod101.com because we also have a lot of lessons that you can download on your smartphone or your tablet and just take them with you wherever you go. It’s great.
4. aprender a cozinhar comida típica brasileira
“to learn to cook Brazilian food”
Vou aprender a cozinhar comida típica brasileira com a minha tia. Ela cozinha super bem!
“I'm going to learn to cook Brazilian food with my aunt. She cooks very well!”
That’s a great plan for summer vacations. I really like to cook and I really like to eat as well. For example coxinha, feijoada, moqueca, brigadeiro, bolo de cenoura. There’re so many things. If you know how to cook any Brazilian foods, let us know in the comments, okay?
5. fazer um churrasco “to have a barbecue”
Vamos fazer um churrasco este final de semana. Você está convidada!
“We're having a barbecue this weekend and you're invited to join us!”
Hmm, churrasco. Brazilians really love to cook churrascos during the weekend and they invite a lot of friends and each person would bring a dish or a piece of meat so they can just share everything between everyone. And if you haven’t tried it yet, you can also go to a Churrascaria or a Brazilian steakhouse to try it.
6. festejar a noite inteira “to party all night”
Sábado é o dia perfeito pra festejar a noite inteira com os amigos!
“Saturday is the perfect day for partying all night with friends!”
Brazilians really like to party. So parties in Brazil usually have a time to start, but they never have a time to end and they usually “party all night” festejar a noite toda.
7. pegar um bronzeado “to get a tan”
Quero pegar um super bronzeado nestas férias.
“I want to get a great tan on this vacation.”
Brazilians really, really like to get tanned, especially women. They like to have marquinha de biquini, that is the “bikini line”. So when they go back to work it looks like they went to the beach and they didn’t stay at home during summer vacations.
8. fazer caminhadas “to go hiking”
Adoro fazer caminhadas. É muito relaxante.
“I love to go hiking. It's very relaxing.”
If you’re a hiking fan, there are so many beautiful places to go in Brazil. For example, the Chapada dos Veadeiros, or even the Sugarloaf Mountain in Rio. It has a trail that you can go by walk. It’s very hard, but I never tried it before. But maybe if you’re a hiking fan, you will love it.
9. tomar sorvete na sorveteria “to eat ice cream at the ice-cream shop”
Que calor! Vamos tomar um sorvete naquela sorveteria que vimos ontem?
“It's so hot! Let's eat an ice cream at that ice cream shop that we saw yesterday!”
There are many, many ice-cream shops everywhere you go in Brazil because it’s always so hot so you can get an ice cream or sorvete or picolé, that is the popsicle. They’re also my favorite ones. They are the ones by kilo where you weigh your plates after you serve it, all the kinds of ice cream you want and all the toppings that you want. Yeah, so good!
10. se divertir com os amigos “to have fun with friends”
O que mais gosto de fazer é sair pra me divertir com as meninas.
“What I like most is to go out and have fun with the girls.”
You can say se divertir com os amigos “with the friends” or com as meninas “with the girls,” or com os meninos “with the boys”. It’s kind of a trend now, but we have the rolezinho, that is “group of friends,” like usually very young people. They go to the mall and they just hang around, like, all afternoon on a Saturday, driving the managers crazy.
Okay, that’s all for today. Thanks a lot for watching and I hope you enjoyed it!

