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Lesson Transcript

Braden: Hello, and welcome to PortuguesePOD101.com, where we study modern Portuguese in a fun, educational format!
Sílvia: So, brush up on the Portuguese that you started learning long ago, or start learning today.
Braden: Thanks for being here with us for this lesson, Sílvia, what are we looking at in this lesson?
Camila: So Braden, please tell us what we'll be learning in this lesson.
Braden: In this lesson, we'll be learning talking about family
Camila: Where does this conversation take place and who is it between?
Braden: This conversation takes place in the evening, at Igor's house, Igor and Fabiana
Camila: What's the formality level?
Braden: Well, it's informal.
Camila: Let's listen to the conversation.
Fabiana: O que você esta fazendo?
Igor: Estou separando algumas roupas para dar ao meu irmão mais novo.
Fabiana: Eu também dava as minhas roupas para a minha irmã mais nova.
Igor: Você não dá mais não?
Fabiana: Eu dei até o ano passado. Agora ela disse que as minhas roupas não servem mais nela.
Igor: Agora a situação vai se inverter. hehe
Fabiana: Já se inverteu. Ela já é maior do que eu e ela me dá as roupas dela. Olha essa blusa que ela me trouxe.
Igor: Que blusa legal. Calvin Klein é uma marca boa.
English Host: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
Fabiana: O que você esta fazendo?
Igor: Estou separando algumas roupas para dar ao meu irmão mais novo.
Fabiana: Eu também dava as minhas roupas para a minha irmã mais nova.
Igor: Você não dá mais não?
Fabiana: Eu dei até o ano passado. Agora ela disse que as minhas roupas não servem mais nela.
Igor: Agora a situação vai se inverter. hehe
Fabiana: Já se inverteu. Ela já é maior do que eu e ela me dá as roupas dela. Olha essa blusa que ela me trouxe.
Igor: Que blusa legal. Calvin Klein é uma marca boa.
English Host: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
Fabiana: O que você esta fazendo?
Braden: What are you doing?
Igor: Estou separando algumas roupas para dar ao meu irmão mais novo.
Braden: I'm separating some clothes to give to my younger brother.
Fabiana: Eu também dava as minhas roupas para a minha irmã mais nova.
Braden: I used to give my clothes to my younger sister too!
Igor: Você não dá mais não?
Braden: You don't anymore?
Fabiana: Eu dei até o ano passado. Agora ela disse que as minhas roupas não servem mais nela.
Braden: I did until last year. Now she says that my clothes don't fit her anymore.
Igor: Agora a situação vai se inverter. hehe
Braden: Now the situation is going to be inverted. Hehe.
Fabiana: Já se inverteu. Ela já é maior do que eu e ela me dá as roupas dela. Olha essa blusa que ela me trouxe.
Braden: It's already inverted. She is already bigger than I am and gives me her clothes. Check out this blouse she brought me.
Igor: Que blusa legal. Calvin Klein é uma marca boa.
Braden: What a cool blouse. Calvin Klein is a good brand.
Braden: (ask --- something about the dialogue-Peter always does a little review about the previous lessons. explain what you are thinking about the storyline in the lesson, so the students can follow and participate - don't make them guess.)
---: response
Braden: Brands and fashion are very important in Brazil. There are many brands and quite a few regional brands.
---: Brazilians tend to be very nationalistic and there are price breaks for Brazilian brands and products and extra taxes and tariffs for foreign made products.
Braden: This makes foreign fashion like the stuff shown off in paris and italy sometimes as much as 400% more expensive than what they are in the United States.
---: Even with this high price margin Brazilian still see the value in purchasing brands like Dolce &Gabanna, Dior, Louis Vuitton, among others.
Braden: (what's your favorite brand?)
Braden: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
: The first word we shall see is:
Sílvia: blusa [natural native speed]
Braden: blouse, shirt
Sílvia: blusa [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Sílvia: blusa [natural native speed]
: Next:
Sílvia: inverter-se [natural native speed]
Braden: to invert, to become inverted
Sílvia: inverter-se [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Sílvia: inverter-se [natural native speed]
: Next:
Sílvia: situação [natural native speed]
Braden: situation
Sílvia: situação [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Sílvia: situação [natural native speed]
: Next:
Sílvia: Calvin Klein [natural native speed]
Braden: Calvin Klein
Sílvia: Calvin Klein [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Sílvia: Calvin Klein [natural native speed]
: Next:
Sílvia: marca [natural native speed]
Braden: brand
Sílvia: marca [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Sílvia: marca [natural native speed]
: Next:
Sílvia: dar [natural native speed]
Braden: to give
Sílvia: dar [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Sílvia: dar [natural native speed]
: Next:
Sílvia: já [natural native speed]
Braden: now, already
Sílvia: já [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Sílvia: já [natural native speed]
: Next:
Sílvia: servir [natural native speed]
Braden: to serve
Sílvia: servir [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Sílvia: servir [natural native speed]
Braden: Let's have a closer look at the usuage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
---: The first phrase we'll look at is me trouxe,
Braden: me trouxe literally translates to "me brought" but it means "brought me."
---: As we've pointed out before, direct object pronouns tend to be placed before the verb in Portuguese as opposed to after the verb in English.
Braden: could you break this down?
---: (break down)
Braden: what's our next phrase?
---: The next phrase we'll look at is irmã mais nova.
Braden: Irmaã mais nova literally translates to "sister more new" but it just means "younger sister."
---: We rarely say irmã or irmão menor in the sense of "little brother" or "little sister." Usually we say mais novo or mais jovem.
Braden: could you break this down?
---: (break down)
Braden: what's our next phrase?
---: The next phrase we'll look at is não servir nela,
Braden: não servir nela literally translates as "no to serve on her" but it means "don't fit her."
---: Servir means "to serve" and in this context it's using the "serve a purpose" sense. não serve nela means that for her, they don't serve their purpose because they don't fit.
Braden: Could you break this down?
---: (break down)
Braden: what's our next word?
---: The next word we'll look at is inverter-se.
Braden: inverter-se looks like it literally translates to "to invert oneself" but it really translates to "is reversed."

Lesson focus

Braden: So ---, what's the focus of this lesson?
---: The focus of this lesson is dar, dizer, trazer in the preterit. In the dialogue, we heard the phrase Eu dei até o ano passado. Agora ela disse que as minhas roupas não servem mais nela.
Braden: Which we translated as "I did until last year. Now she said that my clothes don't fit her anymore."
---: So, Dar behaves like an -er verb in the pretérito perfeito (except in the first person singular). So, we'll talk about it first.
Braden: Then we'll talk about Dizer and trazer because they are similar in the pretérito perfeito in that the first and second person singular forms are the same. Could you give us the conjugations for the verb dar in the preterit tense?
---: Sure. eu dei você deu , nos demos ...
Braden: Thanks for that. Braden, Could you give us a sample sentence?
---: Sure. Nós demos o dinheiro ao bancário. Which translates to "We gave the money to the bank teller."
Braden: notice how similar it is to the present tense.
---: Nós damos o dinheiro ao bancário. Which translates to "We give the money to the bank teller."
Braden: Only the a and the e change. That's why we made the comment about dar behaving like an "er" verb in the preterit tense. Okay could you give us the conjugation for the verb dizer?
---: Sure. Eu disse, você disse, nós dissemos....
Braden: Could you give us a sample sentence?
---: Sure. Ele disse a verdade. Which translates to "He told the truth."
Braden: And again lets compare this to a present tense sentence.
---: Okay. Ele diz a verdade. Which translates to "He tells the truth."
Braden: Lissen to that pronunciation it's very important.
---: diz...disse
Braden: Okay could you give us the conjugation for the verb trazer in the preterit?
---: sure. trouxe-trouxe-trouxemos-trouxeram
Braden: Could you give us a sample sentence?
---: Sure. Eu trouxe meu companheiro comigo. Which translates to "I brought my companion with me."
Braden: And just to be well rounded, could you give us this in the present?
---: Sure. Eu trago meu companheiro comigo. Which translates to "I bring my companion with me."
Braden: Okay so, all together now. We've got two sentences that use all three verbs in them. ready?
---: Eu disse que ele trouxe biscoitos para a sala de aula e me deu um.
Braden: Which translates to "I said that he brought cookies to the classroom and gave me one." Notice all past tense. And the next sentence?
---: Nós lhe demos a comida porque ele disse que trouxe a família inteira. Which translates to "We gave him the food because he said he'd brought his whole family."
Braden: Perfect.


Braden: That just about does it for today.
Braden: Attention perfectionists! You're about to learn how to perfect your pronunciation.
Sílvia: Lesson Review Audio Tracks.
Braden: Increase fluency and vocabulary fast with these short, effective audio tracks.
Sílvia: Super simple to use. Listen to the Portuguese word or phrase...
Braden: then repeat it out loud in a loud clear voice.
Sílvia: You'll speak with confidence knowing that you're speaking Portuguese like the locals.
Braden: Go to PortuguesePod101.com, and download the Review Audio Tracks right on the lessons page today!
Braden: See ya later!
Sílvia: até!

