Vocabulary (Review)

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Hi everyone! Paloma here, welcome to Top 25 Portuguese Phrases.
Oi. “Hi.”
Oi is a very common phrase in Brazil because when you meet someone you want to greet him or her, you just say Oi to everyone. You can also use olá, that is very common but oi is more common than olá.
Oi gente. “Hi everyone.”
Tudo bem? ”How are you?”
Tudo bem is a very useful phrase because it makes a lot of things, it could be
Tudo bem? “how are you?” or
Tudo bem. “I’m fine.”
Tudo bem. ”It's ok.”
So whenever in any situation you can use tudo bem.
Tudo bem comigo. “Everything's fine with me.”
Que legal! “That's nice!“
Que legal is also very useful, because when you want to say that something’s cool or something’s nice or that you’re excited about something, you just say
Que legal que você está aprendendo português! ”That's nice that you're learning Portuguese!”
Bom dia. ”Good morning.”
Bom dia is the way you greet people in the morning, it’s a bit more formal instead of oi or olá, you can use Bom dia.
Bom dia, tudo bom com a senhora? “Good morning, how are you madam?”
Boa tarde. ”Good afternoon.”
Boa tarde is the way you greet people afternoon until 5 or 6 pm until dawn. So you could say espero que você tenha uma boa tarde. “I hope you have a good afternoon.”
Boa noite. ”Good evening.”
Boa noite is the way to greet people at night, so I can say “good evening”, boa noite to someone on the street, but it can also say goodnight to someone at home.
Boa noite mãe, eu vou dormir. “Good night mom, I'm going to sleep.”
Prazer. "Nice to meet you."
Prazer is a nice phrase because it’s actually a word, so it’s very short you can use more complex phrases like Prazer em conhecê-lo, é um prazer, but Prazer is enough.
Tchau. "Bye."
Tchau is the way to say bye to someone in Portuguese. So you can say tchau, or tchau tchau, and that’ll be fine. so
Eu vou dar tchau para a minha amiga. “I’m going to say bye to my friends.”
Estou bem, e você? "I'm fine, and you?"
Estou bem means “I’m fine”, so if you are not fine, you can say Estou mal, or Não estou bem, I'm not fine.
Como você está? or Tudo bem?
You can say Estou bem!
Por favor. "Please."
Por favor is a very polite phrase that you need to know when you go to Brazil, so if you want to ask someone to bring you some water, you can say
Por favor, você pode me trazer um pouco de água? ”Please, can you bring me some water?”
Obrigado. Obrigada. "Thank you."
Obrigado is super important, because you need to thank people when you ask something, so Obrigado is how men would say it, and Obrigada is how women say it. So Obrigada por assistir ao nosso vídeo. “Thank you for watching our video.”
De nada. "You're welcome."
And de nada is the opposite now, so when someone tells you obrigada, you can say de nada.
De nada, é um prazer. “You're welcome, it's a pleasure.”
Sim. "Yes."
So if someone asks you, do you want to learn Portuguese? you can just say sim, yes.
Sim, eu quero aprender português. “Yes, I want to learn Portuguese.”
Não. "No."
Não has a very unique sound in Portuguese because it’s a nasal sound, não.
Tudo bem. "OK."
So as I said before tudo bem is very useful, you can say tudo bem to may be everything in Brazil.
Você não quer sair? Tudo bem. ”You don't want to go out? That's ok.”
Com licença. "Excuse me."
When you bump someone the street, or you want to pass through someone, you can say com licença or dá licença.
Dá licença, posso passar? “Excuse me, can I pass through?”
Desculpa. "I'm sorry."
Desculpa, não foi a minha intenção. “I’m sorry, that wasn't my intention.”
When you hurt someone, or when you bump into someone on the street, or you want to apologize to someone, you just say desculpa.
Que horas são? "What time is it?"
If you want to ask someone that you don't know what time is it, you can say
Com licença senhor, que horas são? “Excuse me Sir, what time is it?”
Onde fica o (location)? "Where is the (location)?"
If you really need to go to the restroom and you don’t where it is, you can say
Onde fica o banheiro? “Where is the restroom?”
Or if you want to find the beautiful beach that you heard about, you can say
Onde fica a praia? “Where's the beach?”
O meu nome é (name). "My name is (name)."
This one is very easy and useful, so
O meu nome é Paloma. “My name's Paloma.“
Qual o seu nome? “What’s your name?”
Por quê? "Why?"
If you want to ask someone
Por que você chegou atrasado? “Why were you late?” or you want to complain to your boyfriend, say
Por que você não me ligou? “Why didn't you call me?”
Se cuida. "Take care."
Usually when we say goodbye to people, we be probably also say se cuida, take care. So
Tchau amigo, se cuida! “Bye my friend, take care!”
Quanto que fica? "How much is it?"
So if you're shopping in Brazil and you buy a lot of stuff, you can just ask Quanto que fica? “how much is it” for the total of the things you're buying.
But if you want to just ask a price of a shirt, you can say
Quanto custa esta camiseta? “How much is this shirt?“
Yeah that's a very useful phrases you want to buy something in Brazil.
Até mais. "See you soon."
Até mais is another way to say “bye” to someone, so you can say…
yeah we have trains and helicopters around.
Até mais is a way to say bye to someone, and it actually means “until more”, but you can say just até mais or até amanhã “see you tomorrow”
Até mais tarde. “see you later.”
So, até mais.
Vamos embora. "Let's go."
OK so my final phrase it’s vamos embora “let's go”, or “let's leave”. You can also say vamos embora or vambora, that is the fastest way to say it. We use it for example if a party is too boring, and you can say
Que festa chata, vamos embora. “What a boring party, let's leave.” or
Vambora! Eu quero ir para lá. ”Let's go! I wanna go there!”
O vídeo está acabando, então vamos embora. “The video is ending, then, let's leave.”
See you! Tchau tchau! Obrigada!

