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Lesson Transcript

Thassia: Boa tarde! I am Thassia!
Braden: Braden here! This is Absolute Beginner Season 1, Lesson 2 - Portuguese Greetings Can Go a Long Way for You Too! In this lesson, we'll focus on asking people how they are doing and we'll also explain how to use the word "também".
Thassia: This conversation takes place on a plane flying to Brazil.
Braden: And it's between Naiara and Michael.
Thassia: In this dialogue, you hear both formal and informal greetings.
Braden: Let's listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

Michael: Como vai?
Naiara: Vou bem. E você, como vai?
Michael: Também.
Naiara: Que bom!
Michael: Como tá?
Naiara: Tô bem. Você?
Michael: Também.
Naiara: Que bom!
Braden:Once again, slowly please.
Michael: Como vai?
Naiara: Vou bem. E você, como vai?
Michael: Também.
Naiara: Que bom!
Michael: Como tá?
Naiara: Tô bem. Você?
Michael: Também.
Naiara: Que bom!
Braden:And one time fast with translation.
Michael: Como vai?
Braden: How are you?
Naiara: Vou bem. E você, como vai?
Braden: I'm well. And you, how are you?
Michael: Também.
Braden: I am also well.
Naiara: Que bom!
Braden: That's great!
Braden: (Informal)
Michael: Como tá?
Braden: How ya doin'?
Naiara: Tô bem. Você?
Braden: I'm good. You?
Michael: Também.
Braden: Me too.
Naiara: Que bom!
Braden: Oh, good!
Braden: Thassia, is it important to ask a Brazilian how they are doing?
Thassia: Very! It's part of the etiquette to inquire about them straight away.
Braden: Is that why "tudo bem" is used so often?
Thassia: Yes. It doubles as both a greeting, like "Hi" or "Hello", as well as kindly asking about how someone is doing.
Braden: So why did Michael say "Como vai" if in the last lesson, they had already said "Tudo bem?".
Thassia: "Tudo bem" is a very general inquiry. Literally, it means, "Is everything well?" "Como vai" on the other hand is more specific, "How are YOU doing?".
Braden: Ah....I see. Thank you, Thassia!
Braden: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first word we`ll hear is:
Thassia: Também [natural native speed]
Braden: Also, too
Thassia: Também [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Também [natural native speed]. Você [natural native speed]
Braden: You
Thassia: Você [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Você [natural native speed]. Mom [natural native speed].
Braden: Good
Thassia: Bom [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Bom [natural native speed]. Vai [natural native speed]
Braden: Go
Thassia: Vai [slowly - broken down by syllable] Vai [natural native speed].
Braden: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Thassia: The first phrase we will look at is "Como Vai".
Braden: "Como vai?" is the formal way to ask how someone is doing in Portuguese.
Thassia: It literally translates to, "How goes?" but it means, "How are you?".
Braden: The "you" is inferred because of the context.
Thassia: "Como vai" is almost always used the first time you see someone.
Braden: That's right. If you're meeting them for the first time, then it's "Como vai?" But what if you met them yesterday? Like your tour guide who came to pick you up the next morning?
Thassia: In this case, you can say, "Como está?".
Braden: Right. This also means, "How are you", but it's a little less formal than "Como vai?" I often hear people shorten "Como está?" to "Como tá?" Should our listeners say that?
Thassia: Well, it's something I wouldn't use with my boss or at work but among friends and family, it's very normal.
Braden: Good to know!
Thassia: Let's take a look at the grammar point.

Lesson focus

Braden: The focus of this lesson is on the word "também".
Thassia: "Também" is the Portuguese word for "also" or "too" and for the most part is used in the same ways as English.
Braden: It can also be used like, "You too", which in Portuguese is.
Thassia: "Você também?" "Eu também estou cansado", which means, "I also am tired", is another way of using "também".
Braden: That's right. It's also important to pronounce this word correctly. Could you say it slowly for us?
Thassia: Sure! "Tam-bém."(slowly)
Braden: Fantastic!
Thassia: Always remember that the accent mark on the "é" means that syllable is the tonic syllable.
Braden: "Também" often has additional or inferred meaning as well.
Thassia: That's true. In English, you would say "Me too", which in Portuguese is "Eu também".
Braden: But in the dialogue, Michael responded to Naiara with just "Também". Thassia, what's going on here?
Thassia: This is because of the context. The question was directed at Michael; therefore, he will be the one responding. The "me" is unnecessary.
Braden: Awesome! That does it for this lesson.
Thassia: Ready to test what you've just learned?
Braden: Make this lesson's vocabulary stick by using the lesson specific flashcards.
Thassia: There is a reason everyone uses flashcards.
Braden: They work.
Thassia: They really do help memorization.
Braden: You can get the flashcards for this lesson at.
Thassia: PortuguesePOD101.com.
Braden: See you next time.
Thassia: Tchau tchau!


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